Very delicious. I always make a little extra of the orange juice and Asian toasted sesame dressing on the side, just in case anyone wants extra. Serve...
After searching the internet for a good Chinese Spareribs recipe and not finding any that caught my eye, I decided to make my own. This recipe is pretty...
"Hot and Sour Soup" is a perfect soup in the fall and winter. It's also a healthy and delicious soup which you can't miss. In Taiwan we love it all year...
An elegant meal - easy, ready in 25 min. - that is featured on the menu at State functions in China. Serve with white rice, stir-fried spinach & toasted...
Slivered orange zest, orange marmalade, and red pepper flakes add strong, hot citrus flavor to this stir-fry of round-steak strips. Steamed rice is a perfect...
Sichuan (Szechuan) cold noodle is one of the most famous Sichuan street foods. What I mean by street food is that you can get it almost anywhere in Sichuan--even...
Chinese noodles are inexpensive to buy and can be found at your local supermarket. These noodles are fantastic! Eggplant, sherry and fresh ginger meld...
From Food & Wine, March 2006. I avoid anything fried, but this is done so briefly that there isn't much greasiness. I am hoping that maybe with some experimentation...
Adapted and veganized from Cooking Channel's Chinese Food Made Easy. I used gardein frozen beefless tips for this, but I imagine pieces of seitan would...
Craving Hot and Sour Soup just like your favorite Chinese restaurant? This recipe will hit the spot! It's made with Chinese mushrooms, bamboo shoots,...
This is from a recipe book I recently bought entitled Chinese Cooking Made Easy. They describe the dish as follows "The Chinese name for this dish is Yuan...
This pork dish is popular in northern China. The sweet bean paste gives the dish a deliciously rich flavor. Serve with rice or thin pancakes and finely...
This is an authentic familiar traditional Cantonese home-style dish. It's a recipe mostly passed on within families, and it is rare to find this dish in...
This is from the Australian Women's Weekly Chinese cookbook circa early 70's and a recipe the DH and I love. It does not produce a lot of sauce but is...
Chinese hot and sour shrimp cooks quickly so need to have all ingredients ready before heating up the wok. Marinating time in not included in prep time...
taken from angie's recipes, we used to purchase salted duck eggs before they became a banned imported item. so now my grandma...
My conservative mum described these as a "taste sensation"! They are truly beautiful, a mix of flavours that everyone seems to love. Easy to make too,...
This Authentic General Tso's Chicken is the real deal. Use the links below to easily order the Shaoxing rice wine, light soy sauce, and dark soy sauce...
Ginger milk curd is a quick and easy dessert that is popular in China. Ginger juice helps the milk set to form a solid dessert. This recipe is for one...
From VegNews- "Bao is a soft, round, and slightly sweet white roll. The outside is smooth, and the inside is stuffed with sweet or savory ingredients....
I've been looking for a good Chicken Fingers batter and found this on: Cook time is...