'Yummy, mummy!' is something you're bound to hear when you make this delicious breakfast treat. A simple oatmeal porridge with mashed bananas and melted...
My grandmother and I created this homemade granola recipe one day, and it is currently loved and requested by the rest of my family, including my other...
Sweet blueberries and tart lemon pair well in this alternative to oatmeal. High in protein and fiber, quinoa is a great start to your day! I made this...
Oatmeal doesn't have to be boring! This brown butter caramel oatmeal is a fun, inventive way to get your kiddos to enjoy eating a hearty breakfast! Top...
This is a great recipe for homemade granola. I make it weekly! Any dried fruit can be substituted for the raisins. I use dried cranberries in mine and...
This is a wonderful microwave recipe that gets me going every morning! It's made with no added sugar, and plenty of oats and cinnamon for a warm, tasty...
A fast and healthy breakfast cereal or high-energy snack. Oatmeal made with coconut, raisins, cranberries, walnuts. Brown rice can be used in place of...
Old-fashioned oats are baked in a muffin tin with apples, nuts, and spices to create a tasty breakfast that can be eaten immediately or frozen and reheated...
Originally given to me at work as a 'Hey! I made this, try it, it's vegan (I'm not vegan), you'll love it!' and I did; I really did love it. I've made...
This on-the-go cold breakfast is portable, quick to make, healthy, and great-tasting! You may also add honey to sweeten the oatmeal. Also good with diced...
This recipe is a nice deviation from traditional recipes because it brings a little extra sweet flavor to your granola, which is perfect to celebrate the...
After years of testing and trying many variations of my favorite breakfast, oatmeal, I have finally found something I can eat every single day and never,...
A delicious quick and easy granola with almonds and dried cranberries that is made on the stovetop. Feel free to add your favorite dried fruits and nuts...
Want something savory in the morning, but needs to be quick and simple? This is it. I'd compare it most readily to a deluxe cheese grits recipe, but this...
Hot spiced oatmeal with apples slow-cooked overnight is easy! Mix before bed and enjoy a richly spiced hearty breakfast that really sticks with you. The...
Oatmeal is a great way to start a day! I have it almost every morning, so to not get bored I add different toppings and vary the ingredients I put in,...
A warm, filling breakfast cereal with a fruity twist. When my bananas begin to get overly ripe, I peel them and put them in plastic freezer bags. This...
Honey Nutty Granola is an easy, one-bowl mixture of 2 kinds of nuts, sweet brown sugar and crunchy, toasty oats; plus 1 additional ingredient for extra...
If your family doesn't care for the texture of regular oatmeal, then this is for you. It's more cake-like. This is the most requested recipe at the sports...
My daughter and I came up with this recipe and it is absolutely wonderful. Several of my children who typically don't care for granola, loved it. I've...
Loaded with sweet potato and warm spices, this oatmeal is a nutritious and tasty breakfast! It's perfect for using up leftover sweet potatoes. Just adjust...
After searching for a healthier granola recipe, I tweaked a few to lessen the sugar. I use seeds instead of nuts due to allergies. Still very crunchy,...
Easy to make and everyone enjoys it. Add raisins, Craisins®, apple slices, blueberries, chocolate chips, pecans, or raspberries to the mix to change it...
Oatmeal made in the Instant Pot® with apples, apple pie spices, and steel-cut oats. Serve with your favorite toppings - we added pecans, a little almond...
A variation from overnight oats recipe from Alli Shircliff. This is for anyone who doesn't/can't eat oatmeal but wants a delicious, fast, and healthy breakfast....