These aren't pretty, but they are delicious. Serve with a salad for a great meal! You can freeze them for a quick dinner, but hide them or your family...
This casserole layers corn tortillas, black beans, ham, cheese, and eggs for a delicious brunch inspired by huevos rancheros. Drizzle with hot sauce, if...
These velvety egg bites are filled with the sweet-tart flavor of sun-dried tomatoes and creamy goat cheese. Elegant enough to serve at your next brunch,...
This is a quick and easy breakfast that even kids will love. With Greek yogurt, it's got a decent amount of protein to keep you full until lunch. Most...
Delicious, easy and good for you! Blueberries and chia seeds added to a simple pancake recipe boost the goodness and the flavor. That's what's for breakfast!...
This recipe came together from some leftover ingredients. I've made omelettes with various veggie ingredients, but the addition of leftover mashed potatoes...
These French baked eggs with smoked salmon are to die for and a true gourmet breakfast. The difficulty when baking eggs is to get the whites cooked evenly...
Fresh strawberries make this delicious bread so flavorful. I tried to make this bread as healthy as possible... (I'm on a health kick right now) and I...
I recently was given some stalks of green garlic. I had no idea what to do with them, so I started looking for recipes and found this delicious egg recipe....
Sometimes coffee is a dessert in itself. This is one of my favorite morning treats to make a Monday seem less intimidating. You'll need a battery-powered...
Even if you don't think you have time for breakfast, my Chocolate-Cherry-Banana Smoothie can be blended in just a few minutes. Pour it into a travel mug...
Yummy and delicious. These extraordinary waffles are flavored with molasses and spices. Topped with homemade chocolate sauce, they are perfect for a special...
This is the version I make most weekends, especially if there are guests or I've over-indulged with drinks the night before. You can leave out anything...
A simple and very tasty recipe for eggs. This recipe is for over-easy eggs but you can cook longer and the yolk will set even more. The hardest part is...
Here is a recipe for a bread machine, though it can easily be done in the conventional, muscle building way. You use the dough only setting and do the...
Orange, ginger, and turmeric, well-known immunity powerhouses, combine to make this tasty and healthy juice that is loaded with Vitamin C, antioxidants,...
This ham and broccoli quiche recipe is partially my own and partially from Barbie Anderson of my cooking club group. It's creamy, flavorful, and not too...
Chaffles are best known for a low-carb breakfast or sandwich. But they also may be enjoyed as a sweet dessert by adding the right ingredients. Indulge...
In hopes of creating pancakes that remind me of the Christmas season, I came up with these ginger pancakes. These are a delicious way to celebrate Christmas...
These pork patties are like a much tastier homemade version of the frozen sausage patties you can buy in grocery stores. Use them to make breakfast sandwiches...
I've practiced with coconut flour in many dishes. Don't let the unconventional type of flour fool you, it is very easy to work with! I've decided to share...
This is a delicious juice my husband and I make for breakfast or an after-meal dessert when guests are over. It's not only delicious, but will perk up...
My husband fondly recalls the Anise Bread that his Italian grandmother used to make during the holidays. She evidently never had a recipe (and never used...
Fast, easy, simple, delicious. Even a klutz like me can manage to make it in no time. It adds a whole lot of flavor to those every day eggs. I made this...
This is a delicious breakfast option for the whole family. Quick and easy. Freezes perfectly for those that pre-plan. Place in a resealable bag and freeze....
Dosas are a thin, savory crepe-like Indian pancake traditionally eaten for breakfast, but I like them anytime. These may not be very authentic, but they...