I absolutely adore the egg souffles at Panera Bread, but often I get there and the souffles are all sold out. Here is a lower calorie version that I made...
This french toast recipe is the definition of breakfast decadence. Everything is prepared the night before and baked in the morning - great for a special...
This is the perfect casserole for a hearty, filling weekend breakfast, brunch, or even a good weeknight dinner paired with a green salad. Full of so much...
Biscuits and gravy was my favorite breakfast food as a kid. Well, actually, it still is as a matter of fact! This breakfast casserole was REALLY good and...
I was looking for a delicious and different brunch dish using shrimp. This dish will wow your guests for sure. You make it the day before and just bake...
Chile Rellenos is a classic Mexican dinner. Converting the dish into a breakfast casserole is genius. It's hearty and packed with so much flavor. In the...
This is a casserole I would be proud to serve for a "special occasion" brunch. The blend of flavors from the cheeses, the ham and bacon, the asparagus...
Grits are a staple in the south. We eat them any meal, any time. This recipe is a good way to start eating grits if you have never tried them. It has cheese,...
Wow, not only does this breakfast casserole taste delicious it smells wonderful too! The croissants are what makes this special. They add a fabulous buttery...
I found this recipe in a Christmas cookbook and thought I would share it. I made it for my family on Christmas morning and they liked it so much they returned...
This strata is delicious! We love a breakfast recipe that you can make ahead and just pop in the oven the next day. The croissant base adds an elegant...
This recipe came from a Longaberger Branch Leader who demonstrated it at a Bee as a way to promote the sales of pottery 9x13s, and OMG is it amazing. Serve...
This is a recipe that was handed down to me by my Mom. I use it Christmas morning because I can make it the night before, store it in the refrigerator...
As the innkeeper at Belle Oaks Inn and Boothe House Bed & Breakfast, it's always a challenge to serve up something different for breakfast every morning....
This is my version of a recipe I found on the back of a country gravy mix package. I made it for our community coffee and it was gone before I got back...
Quiche is something that can be enjoyed any time of day. It makes a good hearty breakfast to start the day with fresh fruit on the side. Of an evening,...
Love this recipe because it's soooo versatile! You can use any breakfast meat, i.e. sausage, bacon, ham etc. Use them all or whatever combo you want! Sometimes...
This is a simple and delicious way to use up leftover homemade bread. I like to use Oatmeal Molasses Bread best, but Challah is also amazing. I am lucky...
So this is not from my recipe book, I actually got this from the movie a Family Stone and decided I just had to make it. Hasn't been made in a while but...
This is a quick and easy breakfast casserole everyone will enjoy. Bell pepper, onions, and sausage add a lot of flavors to the dish. This casserole combines...
I've written Kraft's recipe details, including their suggestions for brand names. Of course, you can choose your own brands for the ingredients according...
This is great recipe for brunch on any holiday. You can make it partway the night before and finish it up the next morning. My family and I enjoyed this...
An easy oven-baked omelette goes together in a jiffy to make a hearty main course for guests. Assemble in advance and refrigerate, then top with the bread...
Hadn't given my boys a full Sunday breakfast in a while, this was their treat...growing up so fast but still my babies. NOTE:DO NOT SALT, THE SAUSAGE AND...
Steel Cut Oats with dried cranberries and cinnamon. They are yummy, they are chewy, they have a nutty flavor, they are good for you and the taste is miles...