I make this puff pastry apple recipe with my mom. Its really fun to eat and yummy in the end. You can serve it with powdered sugar. I thought of this recipe...
These are absolutely adorable, pretty easy to make, and the perfect treat to bring to a Halloween party. I brought them to my 2-year-old's school party...
Does this cake catch your eye? It is not only beautiful, but melts in your mouth it is so moist! It's a must try for any apple lover, I have done several...
This was my Mom's recipe. Easy and quick to make. Apples and walnuts are packed into a cinnamon spiced blonde brownie. Always a hit when I bring it to...
This dessert is SOOOO easy and delicious!!! All you need is 5 ingredients to make this! Cream cheese mixed with caramel then topped with toffee bar pieces...
This dessert is SOOOO easy and delicious!!! All you need is 5 ingredients to make this! Cream cheese mixed with caramel then topped with toffee bar pieces...
This dessert is SOOOO easy and delicious!!! All you need is 5 ingredients to make this! Cream cheese mixed with caramel then topped with toffee bar pieces...
The secret ingredient in this apple crisp is Grape NutsĀ®. This extremely crispy and crunchy breakfast cereal does some amazing things to your basic oatmeal-based...
A buttery white cake that comes together in minutes but tastes like you spent all day making it. Adding apples and cinnamon with brown sugar in layers...
This warm apple cobbler is topped with an easy biscuit recipe. Preparation time is 20 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles and recipes...
This Romanian apple cake is a wonderfully simple, yet delicious treat! It is so moist and fresh, it will surely be a favorite with your family, just like...
These cookies are fun to make and especially fun to eat. They are fluffy, tasty and healthy, too! Use different assorted candies and fruits to fill these...
A great chocolate brownie is a wonderful thing, and an apple brownie is a delicious twist on a classic! In this recipe, the chewy soft brownie is enhanced...
My mom, or Gram, as her 10 grandkids lovingly refer to her, made this for her 5 kids when we were growing up. Even on our tight budget, she managed to...
Tart, firm apples bake to juicy tenderness under a delicious topping, which is a cross between cake and biscuit. This goes really nicely with a custard...
Tart, firm apples bake to juicy tenderness under a delicious topping, which is a cross between cake and biscuit. This goes really nicely with a custard...
This Romanian apple cake is a wonderfully simple, yet delicious treat! It is so moist and fresh, it will surely be a favorite with your family, just like...
This Romanian apple cake is a wonderfully simple, yet delicious treat! It is so moist and fresh, it will surely be a favorite with your family, just like...
An apple goes a long way in this candy recipe! Little apple bits are rolled in cinnamon and sugar, caramel, and chopped nuts. Although they do take some...
An apple goes a long way in this candy recipe! Little apple bits are rolled in cinnamon and sugar, caramel, and chopped nuts. Although they do take some...
My favorite recipe adapted many times from its original. Always a big hit due to taste of the cookies, and because they are low fat. The perfect on the...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
When our class visited an apple farm this fall, we realized that we all shared a common love apples dipped in caramel. We created this really easy dessert...
This is a Fivekiller family-favorite fresh apple coffee cake. I got this recipe from my mother's handwritten recipes while cleaning out the old homestead...