A delicate Bengali fish curry. In India, the best parts of a fish are often reserved as a fillet and served grilled, broiled, or cooked alongside a fish...
This is a recipe that is often asked for at the restaurant where I work. They never let us make it, but we get asked by guests a lot. We are a full-service...
A savory stew that utilizes roasted vegetables and the deep, pungent flavors of... I don't know, somewhere I've not had the privilege of traveling. Easy...
The most comforting of comfort foods, beef sirloin cubes are baked to perfection in a Dutch oven with vegetables and diced tomatoes. I thought this recipe...
I threw this stew together once during October and it was just the thing I needed to warm me up and get me ready for Halloween. Serve with your favorite...
I felt like making a soup that had ingredients that all of my family loves. So voila! My warm heart stew contains all of the best beans and robust bratwurst...
This is a Greek beef stew made with small onions. This is my mom's recipe, and every Fall without fail you could smell it simmering in the kitchen. Serve...
This recipe is a combination of gumbo and seafood soup. I make it for large get togethers and everyone begs for the recipe. It is relatively easy as far...
This is a recipe taught to my by my mother-in-law, Audry Falgout. It has a great flavor and for being a South Louisiana recipe in well seasoned but not...
I used vegetables from the farmers market and just started creating this delicious and spicy stew! It's very easy to put together and very tasty! If you...
This delicious soup is a perfect meal for a chilly winter night. Just add some fresh bread and enjoy! Garnish with fresh parsley and fresh ground black...
While touring Ireland, our family ordered Irish stew at most of the many pubs and restaurants we ate at in order to determine what features we liked best...
This is an easy oven stew that can be doubled or tripled with success. It contains beef, potatoes and other mixed vegetables, all cooked in one pan. Also...
This is a delicious stew loaded with pumpkin, black beans, ham and kale. Served with whole grain bread, it makes for a complete and hearty fall meal. Garnish...
Enjoy your Sunday brunch with a Kerala-style chicken stew. This mildly spiced, creamy stew can be paired with appam, bread, or chapatis. Alternatively,...
For health benefits, you can't top dried beans. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber and are low glycemic, helping to control blood sugar. If you don't...
A spicy way to dress up stew beef. My mom made this when we were kids, and we loved it. It is spicy while not mouth-burning! Can be made with cheaper cuts...
One of my childhood favorites from my hometown, Cebu City, in the Phillipines. When finished, you can steam this dish on a steamer for 10 minutes to mimic...
I made this and even my picky eater ate it! The aroma that settles in the house is amazing! You can add other vegetables to it, but I couldn't due to the...
Ghormeh Sabzi is an incredibly delicious Persian stew that is served over steamed basmati rice. It has tender cooked meat in intensely fragrant, rich and...
Every Irish household has their own version of this famous dish-so here's mine. I like to add chunky pieces of parsnip for a little sweetness, and fresh...
This Mexican pork stew can be served without the pork rinds and pigs' feet, if desired, but it will not be authentic. Posole may be served as a main dish...