A hearty delicious beef stew ready in less than 2 hours! Of the dozens of different recipes I've tried, this is my favorite. The Dumplings in this recipe...
A long slow cooking time is what makes this the most tender delicious pot roast and the gravy from this is so good, if you prefer lots of gravy then double...
Pasta e fagioli means "pasta and beans" in Italian-this recipe is much more than that! This hearty vegetarian stew is full of irresistible fresh flavor....
DELICIOUS mainstay on our menu! It makes the BEST GRAVY!!! We have this for dinner quite frequently....good and easy to prepare! All the veggies go in...
This is "Hands Down" the best I've ever made! The thyme is what sets it appart. The garlic will end up very mild. Use less if you like. (I have now edited...
Low fat, simple and very tasty. This is a great way to get back on track after the Holidays but it's great at any time of the year! Save time by purchasing...
I love this stew because it is so easy to throw together,and it goes great with a hot pan of cornbread. I suggest Sweet Cornbread (recipe #83625). This...
My MIL has been making this soup for my husband since he was a small child. Definitely comfort food in his book. Please do not pass this recipe of thinking...
This is a hearty, easy and very filling meal that my family loves. It can be adjusted for a thicker stew that my husband likes served over rice, or chicken...
My husband loves a beef stew especially with home-made herb dumplings so when I included pearl barley in it for the first time he thought I had put rice...
My version of Pepper Steak, compiled from several different recipes on the web and adjusted to taste and what I had in the fridge! This is a "runnier"...
This is a great stew recipe from an elderly friend who served it for years for her family. I finally got her to share!! This is very easy to prepare, and...
This beef stew has a tomato based sauce, giving it a little different flavor. Cooked it up one day and got rave reviews from my husband, who is not a stew...
This is a hearty stew of white beans, chicken and sausage. This recipe was developed for a 3 quart crock pot. If you use a larger one, you will need to...
This simple beef stew is a bit different from the ordinary but is delicious with popovers or crusty whole grain bread. Recipe source: Bon Appetit (April...
A nice crockpot beef stew when you're not in the mood for the classic beef stew with potatoes. I'm sure you could slow-ccok this on the stovetop, I just...
This super-easy recipe is a perfect canvas for punchy, crunchy toppers like toasted coconut and mustard seeds with turmeric oil and a zingy chutney. The...
A totally vegetarian, healthy dish that is delicious and comforting. Loaded with fiber, low in fat and calories...healthy doesn't get much better than...
This is a meatless (not vegetarian) Borscht, and even my husband, who MUST have meat with every meal, loves this! Sometimes we make it in summer and serve...
This is a recipe for a fantastic traditional couscous dish from Algeria which can also be found in Morocco and Tunisia. Please note: the couscous is to...
This is a great stew for Sunday football. The venison makes it a bit healthier, but it definitely doesn't taste gamey for those who do not prefer wild...
Elegant but hearty chicken and wine dish. A nice blend of Burgundy, herbs, and garlic. I serve this with hot cooked noodles, crusty French bread, and a...
I always try to find ways to make different cuts of meat soft and tender. This recipe is a sure fire winner. London Broil is a hard meat to get tender...
This is one of my family favorites that I have made for years. It is super easy to throw together and contains ingredients that I always have on hand....
Quick, healthy and delicious. Just pop the four ingredients into the Crock-Pot in the morning and you'll have a great-tasting meal for dinner. This would...
Why choose between aloo gobi and aloo mattar when you can have both? This is a really tasty dish adapted from the Aloo Gobi recipe at Route79.com - It's...