Chunks of pineapple, crunchy nuts, and spicy peppers make this Hawaiian Chicken Salad a delicious and healthy dinner choice. Enjoy this easy salad on rolls...
Shell pasta, hard boiled eggs, tuna, celery and peas are tossed with a dill infused mayonnaise dressing in this classic pasta salad that is always a hit...
Creamy Kidney beans, crunchy celery, the pop of sweet pickle, the tender boiled eggs, tart mayonnaise and onion all blends together in your mouth for a...
What a delicious summer salad! Baby arugula is a great base that adds a touch of nuttiness. The addition of watermelon, basil, and Feta is a delightful...
GMa had this quiet often from fresh greens from the garden. Mommy always ate this as well when she was an adult. I like this, too- just not as much as...
I got this recipe from an old restaurant in Michigan- now closed for many years... It was a buffet style family restaurant called the Sweden House, It...
I love small bites of food with big flavor and a spicy bite too. I am excited to say that this is my first recipe with the flavors of India. I wanted to...
This easy bean appetizer takes only five minutes to prepare, but it does rely on some high quality ingredients for optimal flavor. Tender, creamy giant...
This is an easy and tasty chicken salad to throw together in a pinch. One thing we loved about this salad is it is not a large salad, just a few servings....
This creamy German Potato Salad makes the perfect side dish. Packed with potato and egg, this Kartoffelsalat is made with German meat salad, pickles, and...
Sesame Green Bean Salad is an easy-to-make salad recipe which can be prepared in just a few minutes. This is not only a delicious salad recipe but its...
Looking for a dish with make-ahead convenience for Easter dinner, those potlucks, or the upcoming summer cookout season? Look no further than this make-ahead...
I've always loved chilled rice salads in the summertime.I've combined the ingredients that I like to make it sweet, savory and crunchy. This goes great...
This is a family holiday tradition since I was a kid and was revived when my kids were small.They nick named it strawberry urp. A good alternative source...
A great salad has a nice balance of crisp, crunchy, and chewy textures. This salad fits that description with a balance of sweet, tart, and bitter flavors...
Creamy, citrus-y and studded with tender, sweet pearls of tapioca, Mandarin Orange Salad is a light, refreshing and luscious family tradition on our holiday...
Marinated 3 bean salad is packed with crunchy green beans, and soft kidney beans and chickpeas. The perfect salad to prep for lunches, dinner, or even...
I had some heirloom cherry tomatoes and shrimp that I needed to use so looked around to see what else I had on hand. This is what I came up with. I hope...
An unshared recipe... is like an unlighted candle! I am sharing this wonderful recipe for your family you. Sometimes called a Mexican Hat, and even a Texas...
Oh what a good combination - lime juice, cumin, and cilantro are so good together. This salad would be wonderful on a hot summer day or, in our opinion,...