Chili out of a can can be used in this recipe or homemade leftover.These are extra special corn muffins. Add zucchini sticks and fresh orange wedges and...
This is the best of both worlds! Pizza and Chili Dogs! We make this about once or twice a month... it is easy, filling and a great comfort food! We have...
We loved Elizabeth's take on making this pizza at home. Not only is it yummy, it makes 2 hearty pizzas for a fraction of the cost of ordering out. The...
Do you remember eating square pizza for lunch when you were back in school? We do! We're bringing back those memories one slice at a time with our recipe...
I can't believe I am posting this one. Where is the tag for "Warning Label"? Oh, but seriously we only make this a couple times a year. It is very delicious...
This comes from a Special Edition Pillsbury Recipe Card cookbook from 2005. Really enjoyed this recipe. So easy & so versatile! *Reheat leftovers in oven,...
I was challenged to make the perfect BLT pizza a few weeks ago. After looking at all of the recipes online, most were lacking a good sauce, and a good...
The recipe is adapted from It is recommended to slice the mozzarella the night before and then refrigerate it, so it hardens and...
This recipe takes me back to the 1970's, when adding a little extra to a meal meant adding pepperoni instead of an upscale wine. In my part of West Virginia,...
This fajita seasoning is amazing. I use it on almost everything now. This pizza is delicious and spicy and just plain wonderful. Can be served with sour...
I found this on a weight watchers website. I added roasted red peppers to kick up the vitamins and flavors. Try it with reduced fat bisquick. I do not...
[tabby title="Tuna feta basil pizza"] Pizza is one of the world's most popular foods and here's our tuna feta basil pizza. What's not to love? It's fast,...
BBQ Chicken Pizza is the easiest gourmet pizza ever! Topped with spicy sauce, mozzarella cheese, red onions & bacon, this is a weeknight meal your family...
The flavors of the Mediterranean come alive in this gourmet pizza. Pesto as the base lays the foundation for an amazing healthy-ish recipe. You'll love...
I was driving home from work one day thinking what to make for dinner and didn't want the regular cheeseburger pie so i started thinking outside the box...
My niece Heather posted about this Pizza on Facebook. I immediately asked her if I could share the recipe on Just A Pinch. She said most definitely. She...
We love pizza in our family but living in rural Missouri the closest pizza joint is 45 minutes away. So I got this recipe from a magazine article. I make...
Here's the only homemade pizza recipe you need! Learn how to make the best pizza dough, sauce, and toppings. For the topping ideas, see the recipes list...
This flatbread pizza featuring Roth's Grand Cru Alpine-Style Cheese is an artisan fusion of Mediterranean flavors. Featuring vine-ripe tomatoes and garlic...
Did you know: A hot dog vender named Pat Olivieri invented the Philly cheesesteak back in the 1930s? According to legend, One day, Olivieri decided to...
This pizza was absolutely delicious. If you like garlic you will love it! I started with a homemade crust. Butter, olive oil and fresh minced garlic on...
If you're looking for something easy that the whole family will love, then look no further than this Mexican pizza. They are delicious and simple to make....
This pizza recipe is a great way to use leftover chicken and it's fab if you're cooking for only one or two. But, this could easily be doubled or tripled...
This is a quick but wonderfully delicious meal! Kids luv it too, because they can even help with some of the prep! I always seems to make mine with too...
We like to have pizza on Friday nite's and now instead of ordering out I prefer to make my own, cheaper and taste's much better and this is one that is...