This is a simple recipe for authentic brick-oven pizza made famous by several, well-known Brooklyn pizzerias. Best accompanied by ice-cold pilsner-style...
This is one hefty, hearty pizza! We LOVED this dish - men, women and children alike. We did add a smidge more sauce and cheese than is called for in the...
The first bite will explode in your mouth with all the wonderful flavors hot,creamy, cheesy and crunchy it will send your taste buds going crazy for more...
Adults love this one, too! It's perfect for the 4th or 5th day of Passover when you start running out of creative cooking steam! You can add any vegetables...
There's no secret that I love pizza, and after working at two restaurants in Naples, Italy, I know pizza on both sides of the pond (and I love both versions)....
Burrata cheese is an fresh Italian cheese with an outer shell of mozzarella enveloping a filling of stracciatella cheese and cream. So delicious. It goes...
pizza dough. cheese. chicken. ranch. bacon. You cannot go wrong with these!!! These are sure to be a crowd pleaser and you can even use left-over rotisserie...
This Stromboli Recipe includes an easy made from scratch pizza dough along with helpful hints on mastering the Stromboli and making this recipe epic. This...
Courtesy of Academia Barilla, this recipe for calzone calls for prosciutto instead of Neapolitan salami, and mozzarella cheese, instead of ricotta. The...
This is my sister's recipe. I've always loved it. It is delicious & simple. You can also add any other raw vegetable you would like. I know some people...
Adults love this one, too! It's perfect for the 4th or 5th day of Passover when you start running out of creative cooking steam! You can add any vegetables...
Adults love this one, too! It's perfect for the 4th or 5th day of Passover when you start running out of creative cooking steam! You can add any vegetables...
Chef Cento's recipe for pizza dough, yielding one large (16-inch) pizza or two small (8-inch) pizzas. Made with Anna TIPO 00 Flour, use our dough ball...
PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!!!! Quick , easy, yummy. Great for dinner, parties, anytime. Kids will love them as well as the grown ups. You can customize these to...
This is a very easy recipe thats oh so delicious. This is a good one to make with the kids or grandkids. The recipe is very versatile. You could very easily...
i create a delicious pizza recipe on fried chicken,the pizza sauce mixed in honey mustard,i used banana peppers,applewood bacon and crumbled american cheese.Also...
Home cooks will find deep-dish pizza, with its unique buttery cornmeal crust, more forgiving than its New York counterpart. No need to worry about having...
I was making a few pigs in a blanket for my preschooler for lunch and decided to make a pizza version for myself. The best part is that it is so versatile....
This is one of two pizza dough recipes I have, yet use this one more frequently. I prefer thin, crispy crust pizza's. This is one of the easiest doughs...
This a very yummy and refreshing appetizer! I have made it for team luncheons at work for some of my vegetarian friends. Also when some friends have given...