Amazing, healthy apple muffins made with maple syrup and whole wheat flour! No one will guess that this simple cinnamon apple muffin recipe is good for...
These apple cinnamon muffins start with an easy muffin batter that's flavored with cinnamon, brown sugar, and plenty of juicy apples. Enjoy the muffins...
Jason's Deli is one of my favorite places to eat. Their mini gingerbread muffins are so delicious and are little bites of Christmas! The best thing about...
This apple carrot muffin recipe is naturally sweetened and gluten free! These hearty apple-carrot muffins make a great grab-and-go breakfast or snack....
These moist and flavorful whole wheat applesauce muffins come together with a handful of healthful and wholesome ingredients. See notes if you wish to...
Don't throw away that leftover cranberry sauce, instead turn it into delicious, leftover cranberry sauce muffins with an oat streusel topping and enjoy...
Buttery, tender, and moist, these peach muffins are topped with a brown sugar streusel crumb and sweet vanilla glaze. Both toppings are completely optional...
The streusel topping is what turns this from a good apple muffin recipe to a great apple muffin. The muffin itself is moist with a very mild flavor from...
Healthy chocolate zucchini muffins made with whole wheat flour and no butter or refined sugars (besides chocolate chips). They're naturally sweetened...
I based this on the Tweaked All Bran Muffins, but not having all the ingredients handy, I made substitutions. They turned out really well. If you make...
These gluten free carrot muffins look and taste like they just came out of your favorite bakery! And a pretty, light sprinkling of brown sugar on top adds...
Made with pure pumpkin, whole wheat flour, and extra cinnamon spice, these mini cinnamon sugar pumpkin muffins are a cross between a muffin and a donut....
These yellow squash muffins are as delightful in taste as they are in texture. Sweet but not too sweet, they are perfect for breakfast or a snack anytime...
I didn't have quite enough ripe bananas for my banana muffin recipe, so I thought of mixing in applesauce to make up the difference. That led to adding...
Soft strawberry studded muffins layered with a light cheesecake filling and topped with brown sugar streusel. A necessary indulgence any morning of the...
I made these into mini muffins and baked them a little less. They stuck to my papers so next time I will try spraying the pan instead. I was looking for...
Light, fluffy and delicious Egg Free Banana Muffins that will satisfy any muffin craving. This recipe for eggless banana muffins can be adapted to suit...
I worked in a bakery and we made dozens of these moist muffins in different flavors every day. You can add any fruit you like to the basic batter. Our...
These lemon blueberry muffins are made with yogurt to give them a tender, fluffy texture! They're also bursting with flavor from all the blueberries...
Be sure to use very ripe bananas (with lots of brown spots!) for the best flavor and natural sweetness. (I updated this recipe December 2020 to ensure...
Almond flour banana muffins are a delicious gluten free muffin that are easy to make! They're paleo, dairy free, and refined sugar free. Perfect for...
A deliciously healthy breakfast or snack, these oatmeal blueberry applesauce muffins are both moist and filling. They're made with applesauce, almond milk,...
This is not my recipe, but they are so dang good, I just had to share them! To make it even more indulgent, dish out a scoop of vanilla bean ice cream...