The meatballs are surprisingly moist and flavorful for using only beef. I normally don't measure the seasonings so you may have to adjust, I also don't...
Authentic Enchilada sauce is not tomato based. This recipe is delicious. Serve with one of the great spanish rice recipes here on and my Easy...
This recipe came from my sister-in-law Denise who is an awesome cook, mother and wife! Originally we were using it only for pork but last night I had boneless,...
A very popular Spanish tapas dish - I can't vouch for the authenticity, but it tastes great. Lamb can be used as a substitute for beef if desired. Taken...
There are a million variations on chili, but only one true Texas-style chili. Once you eat this you'll find it difficult to eat the others. You can add...
Few things in this world say supper like this Beef Stroganoff recipe from The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Dinnertime cookbook. Learn how to make Beef Stroganoff...
Delicious !! I found this recipe in a United church cookbook and decided to give it a try. It's a keeper for sure. I had tried others looking for just...
We all have our different tastes for burgers I like mine flavorful and juicy this recipe will give you the best of both! see the bottom of the recipe for...
These delicious meatballs were favorites of my kids when they were growing up. Simple and tasty they made good use of what was usually in my larder. "Cheap...
Wow! Who knew there were so many versions of Dorito casserole out there? For the record, this one is different than all the others posted here. I actually...
It's a little bit sweet a little bit sour and makes the best sandwiches the day after that I have ever tasted. Sometimes you have to make it more then...
This is a Persian dish made with eggplant and beef in a tomato based sauce. The stew is eaten poured over steamed basmati rice.It's very delicious and...
From I loved the beef lettuce wraps from a restaurant in Montauk, NY called East by Northeast. This was the closest I have found to recreating...
Yes, it can be done! Dh used to cringe when I mentioned 'pot roast'. I grew up loving the stuff. And now I've perfected a recipe for it. We drool all afternoon...
I found this on the web. I made a couple of minor additions to this, but the flavor is outstanding for burgers and fries. Amazing how juicy the burgers...
This is a really economical meal that's quick to prepare. You can experiment with different types of sausages but I have found that the plainest, cheapest...
I love squash and zucchini, and when it's in season cooking it with the sausage is a delicious way to prepare and enjoy these vegetables. Served with some...
This recipe is a combination of several recipes I found in a Chinese cookbook for a marinated loin of pork. You can also use pork tenderloin. I sliced...