This delicious and easy Greek Salmon is the perfect quick healthy dinner for the whole family. The marinade is a simple mix of olive oil, lemon, dill,...
This clay pot chicken rice is so addictive! After I developed this recipe, I was so hooked and couldn't help but cook this dish every week. Beyond the...
Scaling back your Thanksgiving dinner? No problem! This simply seasoned turkey breast delivers all the goodness of a traditional roast turkey, but in a...
Spaghetti Napolitan is one of the popular yōshoku (Western food) dishes. The uniqueness of this pasta is the sauce, which is based on ketchup/tomato sauce...
This Easy Bacon Shrimp Pasta Recipe is absolutely delicious! It is perfect for a simple dinner with friends but quick enough for a busy weeknight meal!...
This creamy bacon chicken recipe is an easy delicious dinner that's quick enough for a weeknight meal but elegant enough for entertaining. The tender...
This meatball recipe was adapted from Chef Anne Burrell's recipe. Her original recipe was enhanced with some tweaks to create the most flavorful, juicy...
Marinated Grilled Shrimp - a simple yet out-of-this-world grilled shrimp recipe soaked in an incredible marinade. A feel good food especially this warmer...
Budae jjigae (Army stew) is easy to make. As long as it has kimchi and some American processed meats, it's a budae jjigae. This budae jjigae recipe will...
Pizza Soup loaded with sausage and pepperoni - This easy cheesy soup is made with pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese. Family friendly, low carb favorite...
I love bacon, chicken, and cream cheese. When you combine all three of these, what more can you ask for. It's a recipe that I have had in restaurants and...
This baked tilapia recipe will walk you through how to cook a whole fish with easy, affordable, whole tilapia. Serves 2 if you each eat your own tilapia,...
This is one of the most versatile Chinese sauces that go well with almost any ingredients, and is also suitable for stir frying, baking, grilling, and...
Learn how to make restaurant-style cashew chicken with super juicy and tender meat, a rich, thick, gingery, garlicky sauce, crispy peppers, and cashews....
Chicken marinade with olive oil, garlic, oregano, thyme, lemon juice and red wine vinegar. Perfect for grilling or for souvlaki. Great with pork or lamb...
My jerk pork Jamaican ribs are rubbed with a mouthwatering sweet and spicy blend of scotch bonnet peppers, allspice, and thyme. This recipe is not for...
This tuna steak recipe is inspired by Mexican flavours and is healthy and nutritious. Tuna is pan-fried with spiced butter and served with zesty avocado...
Salmon in Spicy Tomato Sauce - moist, flaky salmon fillets simmered in a rich, flavorful and spicy tomato sauce. Comes ready in no time! A perfect meal...
This Mexican casserole is made with ground beef, tortillas, vegetables and cheese, all layered together and baked to golden brown perfection. A quick and...
Do you need a quick and easy recipe you can have done in a half hour? This Taco Hashbrown Casserole recipe for your oven is just that and delicious to...
A soulful chicken salad loaded with chunks of chicken breasts, boiled eggs, onions, celery, relish, and spices! A traditional chicken salad made the old-fashioned...
Healthy and delicious chicken livers and onions finished with garlic, honey and soy sauce. Serve over rice or noodles or with stir-fried/steamed vegetables...
Whole Roasted Chicken with Lemon, Garlic & Rosemary- Roasting a whole chicken might sound like it would be a cumbersome endeavor, but in reality it is...
This pizza casserole is pasta simmered in tomato sauce with pepperoni, sausage, olives and bell peppers, then topped with cheese and baked to golden brown...