Who doesn't love a plate-sized pancake for dinner? In this Asian-inspired riff, the protein-rich savory pancake is made with a chickpea flour and coconut...
"The marinade for these shrimp is a piquant mix of lemon juice, garlic, ginger, basil and parsely - which would taste just as wonderful with chicken or...
This addictive grapefruit and tequila cocktail, served right in the can, is refreshing, subtly sweet, and salty. It's ideal for navigating the crowds on...
I love to cook with ingredients that might otherwise be discarded, like fish collars. If you're tempted to treat them as scraps, please don't throw them...
This spicy butter is especially good on sweet vegetables like carrots, beets, sweet potatoes and corn. Enjoy! Adapted from Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone...
Ever since I first made this recipe, I can't get enough of it. A ceviche uses the acidity of the citrus to "cook" the fish without using heat. The result...