Ham and Egg Pasta is a delicious, quick meal that is guaranteed to satisfy even the fussiest of children (and adults too)! Garnished with fresh chives,...
This Spanish Arroz Caldoso with Shrimp is loaded with flavors from a savory broth, luxurious saffron, and some sweet paprika. The perfect rice dish to...
This recipe errs on the comfort side of comfort food. It comes together in less than 30 minutes, using fresh sweet corn and a modest amount of whole milk...
It's comforting and hearty but still reasonably healthy, and a great way to turn a humble acorn squash into a delicious and really different dinner. This...
You can't help but fall hard for these juicy and flavorful Homemade Pork Breakfast Patties. They're the absolute best thing for your perfect weekend...
These classic savory muffins are the perfect accompaniment at your next brunch or luncheon. The bold flavors of blue cheese and sage will pair well with...
"This recipe is a great way to put health and history on a savory Soul Food plate! It comes from the cookbook I co-wrote with my mother Soul Food Love....
An Italian Mashed Potato Casserole, filled with smoked provolone and salami, is a perfect side dish for a comfort food dinner. Topped with breadcrumbs...
Sometimes you just need a burger - and sometimes you just need a Barbecue Bacon Cheeseburger. 'Nuff said! Bacon infused burger - not topped, not crumbled....
This breakfast-for-dinner sandwich with potatoes is Ree's favorite at The Merc! Eggs, prosciutto, and fontina cheese make this sandwich a must-try-at any...
Summer fresh field peas lend themselves well to this delicious Southern side dish. To whip up this comforting side, you'll need field peas, smoked bacon....
Easy weeknight mushroom risotto that's special enough for occasions, too! The Instant Pot makes it fast, and fail-safe. Plus we have a hack that lets you...
These savory Apple Rosemary Pork Chops are the warm comfort food that is needed on a cold night. It only takes 30 minutes total, and you're on your way...
Baked spaghetti casserole is like lasagna's easier cousin! Layer spaghetti with a sausage and mushroom tomato sauce. Top with ricotta, Parmesan, and...
This chicken divan recipe from Paula Deen is a classic comfort food casserole. Ingredients include broccoli, cream of mushroom soup and cheddar cheese....
It doesn't get better than a big bowl of Fettuccine Alfredo for dinner. Ree Drummond's Fettuccine Alfredo recipe makes for a perfect family meal-find how...
Jalapeño hush puppies are spiced up with jalapeños and onions. This hush puppy recipe also calls for cornmeal, creamed corn and eggs. They make a great...
Warm corn tortillas topped with shredded cheese, nopales and roasted corn, a drizzle of lime crema, crumbled cotija cheese, a slice of avocado, fresh cilantro...
A real authentic Vegetable Paella, this recipe will be sure to impress all your dinner guest. Using white beans as a source of protein its packed with...
Chocolate rice porridge is one of the recipes usually served during breakfast or in the rainy season. It is generally made of glutinous rice and cocoa...
Jersey Mikes Italian cold cut sub is a classic Italian hoagie in the Philadelphia style. Soft hearth baked Italian roll, Italian meats and cheeses topped...
Egg Foo Young is an omelette dish in Chinese-American restaurants that is fried rather than pan-fried. There are many different versions in the U.S., some...
Juicy, beyond flavorful lamb meatballs served with plump farro and peas. I recommend serving with a mint pesto and lemon yogurt. This is great for a dinner...
Tater Tots plus eggs plus sausage equals a one-skillet breakfast casserole you can eat all week long. Call it a hot dish or call it a Tater Tot casserole,...
This luxurious macaroni and cheese keeps unbaked in the refrigerator for up to a day; in the oven, it turns piping hot and creamy inside, and golden brown...