This hearty country chili is so loaded with flavor it'll be in your starting lineup for football season and any time of the year, really. Kick off the...
This Mexican Red Chile Sauce is made with dried ancho chiles and can top enchiladas and tamales of any kind. In about 30 minutes, you'll have a flavorful...
This is a chili recipe my grandmother always made, and has been handed down through the generations. It's more of a chili soup, than chili beans. Very...
The BEST Vegetarian Chili! Make it with eggplant, plum tomatoes, onion, garlic, zucchini, bell peppers, jalapeños, white beans, kidney beans, and cilantro....
Years ago when my son was in boy scouts I won the chili cook off with this recipe. The boys served as judges so I guess my secret ingredient of brown sugar...
Many years ago, I attended an event, and they served this chili in little cups for a $1. I went bonkers over it! I bought three cups in a row, trying to...
This a a very mild chili, to add a "kick" to it, you could always add some cayenne pepper. It's lean, low in fat & sodium, and yummy good. Also great for...
Okay, so everybody has a chili recipe. This one is nice and spicy and is particularly good after leftovers have been frozen and thawed. Add the usual compliments...
This is a really good copy cat recipe and it isn't for sissies. I think the best way to eat this is out of a bowl with warm corn tortillas as your scoop....
What a delicious way to use leftover holiday turkey. This chili will become a new family favorite. It's warm, comforting and full of flavor. The beans...
I gave my chili that name because everytime I serve it, my husband's friends alway's say, "hot mama, can we have more"? Three meats, habanero peppers,...
This classic chili recipe is hearty, full of delicious meat, tomatoes, spices, and is the perfect, easy chili. It is a total classic that is so simple...
This chili is really quick and easy to make if using canned beans and tomatoes. Takes a little longer using dried beans. This is a spicy chili with 3 jalapeno's...
My Dad loves to experiment in the kitchen. He learned to cook by spending hours in his mom's kitchen (Grandma Johnson) watching her. Dad is a believer...
When the weather cools down the first thing I'm making is chili. I'm always on the lookout for a new recipe and when I saw this one from Loveless Café...
Okay, about a week ago I posted my recipe for the seasoning I use when making a pot of chili. The other day, I posted my recipe for make-ahead chili meat,...
This is a very delicious, hardy, and flavorful chili, however, it's not a hot and spicy chili. If you like heat and other folks in your family do not,...
Pulled Pork Chili is the best combination of authentic Mexican flavors and smoked pork! It can be made in the slow cooker, or even in the pressure cooker!...
Delicious, healthy slow cooker black bean pumpkin turkey chili bursting with sweet & spicy flavors thanks to hints of maple, cinnamon, chili powder & cayenne....
My dad gave me a Penzey's spice catalog years ago and this recipe was in it for a good basic chili. It is a great base to make as your own. There is so...
It may seem strange to some to use Baked Beans in Chili, but this is the way my mother made her chili for as long as I can remember and I am not a big...
This is my first "traditional" red chili that I created & made for the World Food Championship chili competition. It is a thick chili, made with love,...
Everyone loves when I make my homemade chili....but if I can find a shortcut....believe me I will! So, here is another recipe I will share with you the...
This venison chili is a great recipe for someone that's new to cooking venison. Using venison and beef takes away the gamey flavor some people find from...
Red Gold is a brand name of canned tomatoes. If you can't find it, use any brand you favor. I love the texture combo of ground and cubed meat in my chili;...
A delicious vegetarian quinoa chili packed with lentils, veggies, and spices. You'll love how incredibly flavorful and hearty it is, plus it's vegan and...
This is my Son's favorite chili. It just spicy enough for him. He has me add a Habanero for good! This can be cooked on the stove or in a...
I love fall weather - and I love comfort food. This easy main dish is perfect for cool evenings and is so easy, you will make it a regular dish at your...
This Chili starts out with dry beans. I used Pinto's...basically brown ground beef - place everything in the pot...turn it to high...leave it cook for...