These asparagus spears are easy and quick to make. You will have no trouble at all getting your kids to eat their veggies with these cheesy, melty asparagus...
I absolutely love how easily this spaghetti pie jazzes up a simple Italian meal. This is my ultimate dish I make whenever guests come over. Every guest...
This is a delicious pork chop recipe that cuts out all the grease from frying them in a pan. Best of all, you can use any type of chop (even ones with...
This is a updated version of my mom's pork chops with cream of mushroom soup. I don't care for the canned soup due to the high sodium. I use cream, mushrooms,...
This is great for those hurried evenings when you don't have much time for preparations! Only three ingredients! So quick and easy to prepare, and tastes...
These easy-to-fix pork chops are deliciously tender with wonderful flavor. A perfect meal for those busy afternoons when you want a quick meal that tastes...
After searching for a good, easy, one-dish baked pork chop recipe I came up with my own -- and it's the best. These were literally fork tender. I served...
What do you get when you cross simple with delicious? Apricot Chops, of course! Simply choose your favorite vegetable or rice as an accompaniment, pop...
This is a recipe my Grandma Margie has been making for the past 40 years and it's our favorite pork chop recipe. They're kind of sweet and kind of sour,...
This is a tasty fresh vegetable dish ready in 15 minutes. The asparagus stays nice and green when steamed in the microwave or steamer if you prefer. The...
This dish is so easy to make! I have two picky eaters I have to feed, and this was an instant success. The rice is so flavorful from the pork chops and...
This is a family favorite that we often had when company came for dinner. This recipe has gone home with many invited dinner guests. Mom never follows...
This is a recipe for pork loin chops brined in a salt-and-sugar spice marinade. Enhances the flavor, moisture, and tenderness of your chops. I serve these...
Just 5 ingredients results in a delicious and easy pork chop dish that are baked in the oven with cream and cheese. Takes no time and tastes particularly...
I never liked asparagus growing up until I tried this baked asparagus recipe that my aunt made. Now I eat it almost every week. Highly recommend this recipe...
This recipe is practically foolproof and easily adaptable to just about any fish and any vegetables you like or have around the house. Tasty! Serve over...
This is a recipe I made up after not finding what I wanted. My wife and family enjoyed it, so I wanted to share it. It makes a lot of sauce. I usually...
Yes, the title says it all! This recipe was created by mistake. While using another recipe as a guide, I made the mistake of using cocktail sauce instead...
There were only two things that created a buzz around school when I was growing up: upcoming teacher workdays and spaghetti day in the cafeteria. School...
I had some pork and random veggies and 2 very little picky eaters. What one eats for veggies the other will not, in wrapping the meals individually before...
These pork chops are absolutely to die for! They turn out so juicy and tender and, so far, my husband has had me make these chops for tailgating parties,...
This is a homemade recipe from my dad. Whenever I make these for someone, they fall in love with it and always request I make more. It fills your home...
Using leftover Pork Carnitas (Mexican Pulled Pork) or other shredded meat, it takes a mere 15 minutes to assemble this dish to pop into the oven, making...
I usually prepare this recipe for 300 plus senior citizens where I work, but I've scaled it down for home use. The recipe is for freshly seasoned and breaded...