This is a really easy recipe for raspberry chicken with rice. It is by far my favorite quick meal and I always make extra so I have some to take to work...
Simple, deep-fried banana dessert. I'm unsure of cooking time because I've never timed myself. I use frozen lumpia wrappers I find at my local Asian store....
A one-pan dish that's easy and fills the house with a wonderful scent. Great with either fresh or canned tomatoes. It's delicious when served over jasmine...
This chicken curry recipe is totally diner style. The chicken thighs make it very soft and melt in your mouth! It's so easy to make too. Serve with rice,...
Whether it's sharing a positive prophecy with a friend, proposing marriage, or passive-aggressively letting your roommate know they need to do their dishes,...
A rumaki for those who hate liver! Soy marinated, bacon wrapped, shrimp and water chestnut bundles... Use them as an appetizer or main course with rice...
Slow cooker ribs inspired by my favorite Korean chef in the LA area, Roy Choi, whose cooking will oversaturate your taste buds. Flavor profile of this...
Ras Malai is cheese dumplings in cream sauce. This is a popular Indian dessert and takes a long time to prepare the traditional way. I came up with some...
A nice Asian side dish that goes very well with seafood skewers. I personally add a little more peanut butter because I like the taste and to thicken the...
When you're short on time and you're in need of something nutritious, then this quick vegan mapo tofu will certainly satisfy your taste buds. This is an...
I would always order it in the Chinese restaurants it's called the 'Happy Family'. It is a delicious chicken and vegetable stir-fry. Now I do this at home...
This simple recipe creates the feel you went out for dinner at your local Thai place, but only takes 30 minutes at home. Fresh basil, diced jalapenos,...
This version of delicious Korean beef short ribs dish for your Instant Pot® or other multi-cooker pressure cooker will have the ribs falling off the bone!...
Everyone's favorite Indian take-out dish, made at home quickly and simply. Even husbands can do it! Chicken thighs can hold up to a long, slow cook time;...
Zareshk literally means "barberries"--a staple of Persian cuisine. Absolutely love it! Known as "celebration rice" or "jeweled rice", this is often cooked...
Make your own Chinese Five spice powder seasoning mix using either ground or whole spices. I needed 5 spice powder and didn't have it at home. This recipe...
Chinese five-spice is made up of cloves, anise, star anise, cinnamon and ginger and can be bought in the supermarket in the spice aisle. These chicken...
A recipe from Restaurant Raji, perfect accompaniment to curries or other spicy dishes. Ghee is essentially a clarified butter, there are recipes here for...
This is a great dish that I always order whenever I go to Chinese restaurants--and wanted to try making myself. I combined and modified several authentic...
My Dad found this recipe in a newspaper about 35 years ago. He lived in Calcutta for some years and grew to love all kinds of Indian dishes. Curries, though,...
This is a Vietnamese caramelized shrimp dish called Tom Rim that is both sweet and savory at the same time! It's made with a simple syrup and some fish...
This Filipino squid recipe tastes best if you use fresh, smaller squid. Squid is simmered with onion, garlic, tomato, vinegar, and soy sauce for a tasty...
This recipe is adapted from Fine Cooking magazine. It has a golden crust from the sear, a juicy center, and is topped with a dab of rich flavorful butter....
This is an EXTREMELY hot Thai curry with homemade curry paste. All you people out there who're thinking 'hot? Yeah right, try it! Serve over Thai fragrant...
Lightly spiced lentils in a tamarind and coconut sauce, tempered with Indian spices. Serve hot with rice. Try it with other vegetables too, such as potato,...
This delicious, mild curry is so easy to make. The word 'malai' means cream, but this curry gets its creaminess from coconut milk. This is a recipe from...
This is a very comforting dal for a cold day. Urad dal is stickier and heavier than other dals, so this is a thick-style dal. Serve with fresh phulkas...
This is the most delicious Indian soup ever. I first tasted it when staying at the Tanoa Hotel in Nadi, Fiji, and have been hooked on it ever since. Extremely...
If you like the flavour of besan (chickpea flour) in sweets, you will love this halwa. I often make this halwa instead of 'Besan Ladoo' or 'Mysore Pak.'...
Tender, flaky salmon with veggies tucked inside an aluminum foil packet. The best part is that these can be made a day ahead of time, and clean up is a...