You'll find a version of this quicker-than-quick soy-braised tofu on many Korean tables as a banchan, or small plate. But with rice and a side of greens,...
This is a tasty dish. Between the kale, the rice, and the squash, it's chock-full of fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. And the nutty, salty Pecorino Romano...
This cauliflower salad is riced cauliflower florets combined with veggies and garbanzo beans and tossed with a light lemon vinaigrette. A low carb side...
This hearty meatless loaf combines earthy wild mushrooms with classic falafel spices. A lemony tahini sauce takes the place of gravy and bright pomegranate...
This is my modified vegetarian version of DeSouter's Eggplant Parmesean soup. I wanted to get the nutrional info because I've been addicted to this since...
This is probably the most famous lentil dish coming out of India-yellow lentils tempered with spices and the usual holy trinity of garlic, ginger and chile....
Recipe comes from a low-carb blog...very tasty and crisp, yet strong enough to hold up with most dips. Texture is somewhere between a cracker and a chip...
Nothing says waiting for the holiday season to end like these moist, fluffy gingerbread cupcakes. Bring them to your next familial bash and eat them as...