These creamy treats are far from sinful, thanks to a lowfat (and simple) combination of puréed fresh strawberries, vanilla yogurt and lemon juice with...
I just made this recipe, and it is soooo good! Beautiful, jewel-toned strawberry jam with a touch of lemon--I found the recipe in the Ball powdered pectin...
Chopped summer fruit, honey, schnapps and the merest hint of sugar (only there to dissolve the pectin) are the only players in this jar of sunshine! Try...
This recipe is from the "Chips, Dips & Salsas" cookbook and is being posted for the strawberry swap. This would be great with angel food cake or mixed...
One of my daughter's favoorites, especially on a hot summer day in Texas! Got this from Family Fun cook Book for kids. Cook time is for letting it chill...
Fresh strawberries, bananas, orange juice, honey, and ice combine to create this delicious smoothie. Quick and easy, too! For a creamier smoothie, milk...
Delicious and refreshing smoothie full of flavor! Very versatile, you could always substitute banana for pineapple chunks and use more apple juice. Easily...
This simple smoothie recipe tastes great and is so easy. My 8-year-old daughter did this for a demonstration speech, and it was a big hit with her classmates....
This is a sweet, chunky strawberry sauce that my mom would make when we had strawberries. She would put it on ice cream and pancakes. It tastes really...
This salad came about through years of constantly changing a basic tomato, onion and feta tossed with rice vinegar and "EEVO". (shared with me by a friend...
I like starting my day with a smoothie and only had cranberry juice one morning. I personally dislike the taste of cranberry juice, but need the health...
This is a very simple and delicious salad to make, especially in the summer. My family does not like spinach very much, but they love this dish. Also great...
This soup reminds me of summer. It's easy, cool, colorful, and refreshing. It is perfect for a bridal shower, baby shower, or ladies luncheon; men like...
This very elegant salad recipe is from Chef Willie White of New Brunswick's fabulous Algonquin Hotel. Chef White likes to garnish this impressive salad...
What could possibly be better than a strawberry milkshake? A strawberry cheesecake milkshake! The cream cheese, which has a tang of its own that's enhanced...
From Hungry Girl: " It's GRAPEFRUIT MONTH, people!!! You've probably heard that studies show adding grapefruit and grapefruit juice to your diet could...
This is a light refreshing summer salad I found in a Kraft cookbook. It can also be used as a dessert if put into a prepared 9 inch graham cracker crust....
Editor's note: This recipe is adapted from Gabrielle Carbone, coproprietor of The Bent Spoon ice cream parlor in Princeton, New Jersey. This pretty, striped...