This is a vinegar slaw made with strawberries and dried cranberries. You will need to plan ahead as it takes 8 hours to let the flavors meld. I haven't...
A balanced blend of Punjabi spices, tender, charred chicken and garlicky ginger tomato sauce served up with rice or naan, chicken tikka masala is the perfect...
Early Summer in a Jar. This is so good & great for beginner canners. *Pectin should not be substituted, liquid for powder or vice versa. Original Recipe...
From Grand Prize Winner, Home Cook Division. Recipe submitted by Barbara Estabrook, Rhinelander, Wisconsin. This sounds like a weird...
Found this in The Complete Guide to Natural Healing. "Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which perks up tired skin, giving it a fresh healthy look. They...
This recipe sings on the tongue. The rum really brings out the flavor of the fruit, and all the flavors meld together delightfully if you let the fruit...
Strawberry Spinach Salad. Delicious! Really there is not much else to say about this salad. I am not normally a fan of fruit with my greens or with my...
This is excellent, very different, but oh so very good! Steak, blue cheese, and a sweet sauce drizzle. I served over rice but I bet it would make an excellent...
I saw this on being made by Janelle Bloom on the Ready Steady Cook programe. So very easy and yet so delicious. Althogh I much prefer to chill the strawberries...
This recipe was a happy accident while trying to make strawberry syrup. Delicious on toast, angel food cake, or anything you want a sweet strawberry taste....
The only difference between jams and preserves is that preserves have larger pieces of fruit, a lot of time whole pieces. I never knew there was a difference...
My husband ran across this recipe while reading the weekly food section of the newspaper. While the combination of strawberries, tomatoes, and balsamic...
Portland-based Salt & Straw adds a drop of vinegar and a hint of pepper to balance the sweetness in this strawberry shake, plus a splash of rum to make...
Fresh berries are chopped, lightly crushed and marinated in a mixture of liqueurs for an amazing topping for angel food or pound cake, or a decadent mix-in...
This is a very simple and delicious salad to make, especially in the summer. My family does not like spinach very much, but they love this dish. Also great...
Nice summertime salad! Since most of the fruit is already bite-size, there is very little work involved. Just 2-3 hours of chilling time, not included...