A homemade lower fat dip accompanies these Buffalo-braised chicken strips. Delicious and less unhealthy Buffalo chicken strips than served in many restaurants....
These shrimp are really zippy! They're pretty quick and easy, too. You can control the heat by reducing the chili sauce. When I make this for my little...
If you like more heat then increase the cayenne to suit taste and If you are using this rub for pork shoulder or Boston butt I would recommend to use coarse...
Spicy recipe sure to please. This version is spicy. Not too much, not too little. My family loves it! I've altered this recipe from a recipe I tried from...
This is one of those recipes that you will treasure. I make this allot for entertaining and everyone always RAVES about it. I ALWAYS make the Lime Cilantro...
I am not a big shrimp fan! Not sure why, but it's true. However, my new easy grilled spicy shrimp has been a summer favorite and so easy with all of the...
Yummy miniature meatballs in a chipotle tomato sauce. I have been serving these for years at various events and never take leftovers home. They are easy...
If you like hot and spicy...I am not kidding when I say these things are AMAZING! A co-worker made loads of these at Christmas, and I believe I ate my...
This is a mildly spicy recipe, which can be made hotter with the addition of fresh chilies if you like. It pairs well with spanish rice and green beans...
Now a days, you can buy cedar planks you can use on your grill or even in your oven. I get mine from a local BBQ store or hardware store, but be careful...
This is my recipe for my Chipotle Chicken baked mac & cheese which I got many requests for this weekend. For all of you who want to spice up your Turkey...
"Chex mixes" can of course be bought from almost every grocery & mega stores these days, but none of them hold a candle to this tried & true snack from...
These are so yummy. The cheese and bacon are a great compliment to the jalapeno flavor and reduce the heat of the peppers. This is my adaptation of an...
My sister in law who is the worlds best cook when it comes to seafood gave this to me. She gave me no real measurements, she is one to "cook by sight"...
These wings are coated in cornflake crumbs, oven fried and drizzled with spicy honey. They are hot, crispy and addicting...best of all, not fried, so they're...
Rachael Ray's recipe for Chipotle Cashew Chicken inspired me to create this dish. It's an interesting combination of flavors--sweet, smoky, spicy and nutty....
These tasty potato skins are lower in fat than the original version because they are baked and not fried. Serve them with ketchup or sour cream, you can...
These are just as good, if not better than, Buffalo chicken wings but without the mess! You can use ground turkey in place of the ground chicken. Serve...
A healthy but ultra tasty dip from Stonyfield Farm that utilizes edamame (soybeans). You can temper the heat to your liking by altering the amounts of...
Photo may be seen here in the Savor gallery: www.annacia.com. These clams are gutsy and robust. Serve them with a good, crusty country bread to sop up...
SPICY! If you love spicy shrimp dishes, this one is for you. I serve it over rice, but you could have it any way you like. For those who don't like it...
On a recent trip to Bali, my Balinese stepmother, Putu, let me help her prepare chicken - and I furiously committed her 'non-recipe' to memory to bring...
I don't remember how I came about this recipe, but it beat out my dad's chili in our family chili cookoff! This is powerful chili, so tailor the spices...
So, I have no idea who Pastor Tom really is...but let me tell you, he can make a MEAN tortilla soup. This recipe was given to me from my mom and it has...