Leftover rotisserie chicken gets put to work in this amazing, fresh Mexican Chicken Soup. It's good for what ails you, even if it's just a case of the...
This Tom Yum Soup with Shrimp, or tom yum goong, is surprisingly easy to make with a few key ingredients like Thai chilies, lemongrass, lime leaves, and...
Slow cooker cheeseburger soup, originally from Taste of Home, is a rich and creamy, cheesy soup made with ground beef, potatoes, onions, and carrots in...
Packed with hearty plant based protein, vegetables and spices, this quick and easy Vegan Black Bean Soup is perfect for a cozy weeknight meal. Kid and...
Chicken Sotanghon Soup with cellophane noodles and tender-crisp veggies is a hearty and tasty soup perfect for cold weather. Delicious for midday snack...
This vegetarian Cheesy Vegetable Soup is loaded with a creamy cheddar cheese sauce, lots of vegetables, and plenty of flavor! A steaming hot bowl with...
Roasted Poblano White Cheddar Soup is total comfort food! The smokey warmth of poblano peppers mixes with sharp cheddar and the perfect spices in this...
This is the BEST French Onion Soup recipe I've been perfecting for my family. It has the rich flavor of caramelized onions along with beef stock and...
This Mexican-inspired pinto bean soup is creamy, hearty, nourishing, and absolutely packed with flavor! Combining pinto beans, fire-roasted tomatoes, veggies,...
All potatoes originated in the Andes, and Colombia has quite a selection of them, the best being the small, yellow, creamy, buttery papas Criollas. They're...
This is just like everyone's favorite cozy, comforting homemade chicken noodle soup except made even better with chicken meatballs! You'll only want this...
Stuffed Pepper Soup has all the great flavors of a stuffed pepper but in a soup form. It's easy, hearty, and packed full of flavor. Loaded with bell...
This fresh zucchini soup is so simple to make - just sauté the leeks and blend everything else together. It's the perfect light summer meal, and it's...