I find this technique much easier than the stovetop pan method. You'll get beautiful, perfectly frosted nuts that are roasted evenly, with no bitter burned...
These yummy zucchini muffins, packed full of currants and walnuts, are an excellent way to use up your garden overload of zucchini. -Peg Gausz, Watchung,...
The best buffalo wings are a perfect mix of crispy, tender, and saucy, and this recipe does it all. After coating the wings in cornstarch, you cover them...
Forget buying a bag of potato chips at the grocery store when you can make these at home. This quick and easy recipe will delight everyone in the family....
Hot and spicy with a hint of brown-sugar sweetness, these snacking nuts are simply sensational. You and your guests will not be able to stop munching!...
Make your own potato chips using your microwave. A tasty and easy alternative to store-bought potato chips (not to mention economical)! A mandoline would...
My daughters, grandkids and just about everyone who visits me look forward to this mix of crunchy spiced nuts recipe during the holidays. And tucked in...
This is a healthy take on the traditional no bake cookies. So good and good for you! I am always asked for this recipe every time I make them. They are...
I pack these easy candied pecans in jars tied with pretty ribbon for family and friends. My granddaughter gave some to a doctor at the hospital where she...
Maple combines with a subtle touch of cinnamon and nuts to give these muffins the flavor of a hearty pancake breakfast. But you don't have to sit down...
This snack mix is so addictive, it's known as 'Christmas Crack' among my circle of friends and family! You can choose a holiday mix of M&M's® to make...
Extra chewy granola bars. You can make them your own by picking different ingredients to add in! Try using any combination of miniature chocolate chips,...
Making your own pickled peppers is so easy and you will never have to buy store-bought peppers ever again. They are so delicious.-Ball brand and Kerr brand...
These crunchy, crispy crackers have a big, bold cheese flavor. They're vastly superior to anything you can get at the store. You can change up the cheeses...
Since I was a child, we've made buckets of this mix each Christmas for everyone. These days, though, I fix it for just about any occasion.-TaNauna Bunch,...
Making homestyle potato chips is fun and easy. Guaranteed they won't last long! A food processor with a slicing attachment is very helpful. Experiment...
This is a wonderful fast-to-fix munchie. The recipe makes tons and doesn't involve any cooking. It's a cinch to package in individual snack bags, it keeps...
This cranberry biscotti is the perfect hostess gift for the holidays. Pack it into a festive Christmas tin and top with a pretty bow. —Darlene King,...
These yummy cinnamon apple chips will disappear almost as quickly as you make them! They're perfect for healthy snacks and easy to take on the road. The...
My love for pickles led me to create this Dill Pickle Dip. It's so easy to whip together. But be warned, it's addicting! -April Anderson, Forest Lake,...
Take a trip to the county fair with a bowl of old-fashioned Kettle Corn. Your family will never want plain popcorn again! If you use white sugar, it will...
I searched for months for a recipe that tastes the same if not better than the store-bought pita chips. After many attempts, I found what everyone seems...
A light, crunchy, and savory snack cracker that has a bit of a kick. Easy recipe with minimal ingredients. Add 4 tablespoons sesame seeds to batter before...
Pop these tasty pecans in your mouth...and you'll immediately want more. A mix of salty and sweet, the nuts are seasoned with cumin, cayenne, sugar and...
Lots of holiday treats are sweet. For a change of pace, I fill goodie bags with my cheese crackers. The recipe has a large yield, but you can freeze the...
Knish is a classic Jewish comfort food. Sometimes I make tiny appetizer ones, which are a little more like a roll, and I seam on the top. -Marlena Spieler,...
This wonderfully crunchy snack is loaded with cereal, pretzels and nuts-and coated with a not-too-sweet brown sugar mixture. Package this up as gifts,...
This homemade snack mix recipe my mom has had since it originated in the 1940s. This was always a holiday favorite at our house. So much better than the...
Taralli are crunchy little knots of snacking goodness. A specialty from the Puglia region, they are an unleavened crispy cross between a bagel, pretzel,...