These simple, naturally-sweetened cookies are the perfect healthy treat! They're a great snack for a work or school lunchbox, or they'd be perfect for...
These coconut- and oat-studded bites come together in just one bowl (no food processor required!). Keep them on hand for a healthy morning or afternoon...
Tender macaroni, crunchy carrots, tangy apple cider vinegar, aromatic green onion, and flavorful mayo are combined to create this simple, delicious, authentic...
A creamy, 6-ingredient cucumber smoothie with coconut, lime, pineapple, and greens! A nutrient-rich, refreshing smoothie that will beautify you from the...
This recipe is best made with freshly ground clams, although it would still be good with finely chopped clams. Canned would be OK, and better to make it...
The Best Homemade Bean Dip Recipe - It's easy to make delicious, creamy, scoop-able bean dip right at home! Our restaurant-style bean dip recipe can...
This bread machine zucchini bread recipe creates a sweet & delicious old fashioned zucchini bread. It is a "quick bread" recipe similar to banana bread...
Super creamy roasted beet hummus featuring a whole roasted beet, lemon, and plenty of garlic flavor. Perfect with chips, pita, or veggies or as a sandwich...
Don't wait for the cold weather to set in to enjoy mashed potatoes: Take a page from the Greeks with skordalia, a garlicky, tangy mashed potato dip....
The next time you go apple picking, make this one-bowl rustic apple cake recipe your top priority. The secret ingredient: apple butter-not to be confused...
This original ground beef jerky recipe is rich and flavorful as well as easy and quick to make! No marinating required. Everyone will love these meaty...
16 Healthy Superfood Smoothies using all of the best superfoods like sea moss, hemp seeds, avocado, and more! Each smoothie is vegan and naturally sweetened...
Transform diced fruit into delicious homemade fruit cups that rival store-bought in terms of flavor and cost. You can make more cups or less, according...
This easy sweet potato pone recipe takes 10 minutes of active prep time, and is one of our favorite soul food treats to make - and to eat! Paired with...
In many parts of the South, a party doesn't start until someone brings out the pimento-cheese spread. This entertaining favorite is always great with crackers,...
Chuck Hafner's Farmer's Market is a Syracuse favorite for produce, plants and garden supplies. Chuck's wife Linda wrote Simple, Fresh and Healthy: A Collection...
Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast - Also known fondly as "Shit on a Shingle," this Creamed Chipped Beef recipe is a classic breakfast staple that is simple...
When I lived in Korea I learned the secret to making good tteokbokki from a famous place in a local market. It was run by an old lady who could always...
Follow this simple tutorial to learn how to make fermented "pickled" beets. Fermentation is an excellent way to preserve vegetables when needed, or to...
This cheese savoury recipe makes a fantastic filling for afternoon tea sandwiches. A step up from basic cheese, this cheese savoury sandwich is easy to...