These vegan stuffed mushrooms are stuffed with vegan cream cheese and herbs, topped with breadcrumbs and baked to golden perfection. You will want seconds,...
You can have these quick and easy Chinese Scallion Pancakes cooking on the stove top within five minutes. Inspired by the method to make Western-style...
This ultra-simple hors d'oeuvre recipe is a big hit at any party! Sweet, Savoury, and Bacony all in one - who could ask for anything more?! Can make day...
From Wolfgang Puck: A simple dressing that is great over fresh tomatoes, and makes a wonderful marinade for chicken and shrimp. And there's nothing like...
Vegan cauliflower cheese is the most delicious way to eat cauliflower! Roasted cauliflower smothered in vegan cheese sauce, topped with breadcrumbs and...
This ragu is richly flavored from slow-cooked short ribs, finely diced vegetables, herbs, garlic, shallots, and red wine. It is the perfect meal to impress...
Yes, you CAN marinate burgers! What you'll get is a highly flavorful hunk o' meat! NEVER EVER squeeze the juice out of a burger while cooking. First of...
This recipe goes back years, and I make it quite often still, it is wonderful to serve for a dinner party. I make this dish using recipe#136292, make the...
This Chicken and Ginger Congee is incredibly nourishing, comforting and delicious. It's easy to make - it just requires one pot and some patience while...
Secret ingredient is Durkee's Famous Sauce. Just can't have a potluck, reunion, picnic or guests for dinner without deviled eggs!! Secret to successful...
This vegan mushroom pâté makes the perfect party appetizer served with crackers or crusty bread. It is ultra creamy, packed with mushroom flavor, and...
Simple caramelized onions, spicy Italian turkey sausage, and creamy Gouda cheese are spread over a pre-made pizza dough for a quick and easy meal any night...
Serve this silky soup with oyster crackers or croutons. From the New England chapter of the United States Regional Cookbook, Culinary Arts Institute of...
This marinade is great on all kinds of meats, it use it mostly on chicken that you cook on the grill. My kids love when I grill wings ("buffalo" cuts)...
From William-Sonoma Savoring Appetizers, this recipe from Provence, usually served with an aperitif, might also be spread with a tapenade or topped with...
For eating right out of the jar, or to use in your favourite shellfish recipes. From the New England section of the United States Regional Cookbook, Chicago...
You won't find this one anyplace else on the planet except right here on Recipe*zaar. Why? Because I invented it! It's for bumping up either chicken or...
Found this in a 1997 Southern Living "Home for the Holidays" publication. Looks like a keeper. Chilling time required. May be frozen unbaked for up to...
Chasen loved good old fashioned comfort food and had it available off menu for his guests who asked for it. This one was a fave. The chili listed is Chasen's...
Tender, juicy and flavorful vegan steak! Perfectly spiced and looking remarkably like the 'real thing' these vegan seitan steaks are deliciously textured,...