With all the iterations and innovations of the original beef burger occurring in the fast food industry today, this recipe is a truly artisanal labor of...
A delicious 15-minute sandwich with warm halloumi slices, creamy and zesty smashed avocado and tangy tomato chutney on toasted focaccia (or other bread...
A Grown Up Grilled Cheese Sandwich made with 3 types of cheeses, crispy bacon, creamy avocado, thinly sliced tomato, spring mix, caramelized onions, and...
You really can never go wrong with a freshly made club sandwich! This triple decker sandwich is layered with ham, cheddar cheese, bacon, turkey and fresh...
Easy pinwheel recipe for kids = Rainbow Veggie Pinwheels. A veggie loaded kid friendly lunch box recipe made with white bean hummus that encourages them...
A delicious and easy recipe for savory deli-style cold cut Italian sandwiches. Great for picnics, lunches and more. Made with salami, ham, provolone and...
Here's a vegan take on a Rachel sandwich. Thinly sliced seitan is added to toasted rye bread with melty non-dairy cheese & Thousand Island dressing....