This flavorful salad uses reduced balsamic vinegar in its dressing, making it a sweeter version than the traditional balsamic vinaigrette. Feel free to...
Over the years I've finally developed this salad that is perfect for the Dragon. Very versatile, add your own favorite touches. A meal for company lunch...
This is one of my husband's favorites, probably because it includes bacon! I often include about 2 tablespoons Jack's Music City White Sauce (a white BBQ...
My Italian husband adores this chicken salad with black olives. It's best made with plenty of fresh herbs! Fabulous served on a romaine lettuce bed with...
This is one of my husband's favorites, probably because it includes bacon! I often include about 2 tablespoons Jack's Music City White Sauce (a white BBQ...
A Mexican restaurant I used to go served this dish. I came up with what I think is their recipe or close to it. It's awesome and a different take on traditional...
Was expecting a few hungry friends to walk in as I started cooking, but they called and had an emergency. Fortunately nothing bad, but there I was with...
This light and tangy summer salad combines the smoky flavor of grilled chicken with the crunch and sweetness of apples and grapes. Serve it with croissants...
Celery root, also called celeriac, has a crunchy texture anda mild celery taste that pair well with tart green appleand a savory-sweet dressing. Allow...
Ranchy goodness mixed with chicken, cucumber and red onion. An instant favorite of anyone who tries it. Serve on whole wheat tortillas with baby spinach...
Rich flavors are best balanced with a touch of freshness, as in this tangy Mediterranean salad. Be sure to serve this dish immediately so that each flavor...
This is my version of an old Italian favourite, and I think the addition of a sharp lemon dressing and some buttery rocket leaves gives a lovely edge....
We call this bomb bomb chicken. Adjust the spice level by adjusting the sambal. Perfect for a hot summer day: Cool cucumbers with chilled chicken are topped...
Serve this brand new recipe from renowned chef Eric Ripert for an irresistible side dish. Also try his delicious Baked Zucchini, Heirloom Tomatoes, and...
This colorful 7-layer salad has made numerous appearances at our family gatherings over the years. My Nana has no shortage of delicious recipes from appetizers...
This whimsical and delicious chicken salad was inspired by the famous Cosmopolitan cocktail. The cranberry-citrus mixture is used in two ways - one portion...