Great salad for lunch or dinner! Spiralizing the beets makes for a quicker cooking time. Use any flavored vinegar of your choice - dark berry or fig vinegar...
Here is a recipe I made up trying to put a spin on the traditional vinaigrette dressing. It has a lot of flavor and a bit of a kick. You can adjust the...
This is a lovely alternative to a traditional appetizer. It can be passed or served as a salad course. Makes an excellent starter for Thanksgiving or an...
This is my own creation of a buttermilk ranch dressing that I have tweaked after finding that most buttermilk ranch dressing recipes lacked the spicy element...
This traditional sauce is served as a condiment in most restaurants making pita sandwiches. Try with grilled souvlaki or falafel. Spread generously on...
A tasty red French dressing that has been a family favorite for years. For variations I have used flavored vinegars, red wine, and balsamic vinegars. The...
When you're down to that empty jar of mayonnaise, don't scrape and scrape and scrape or just toss it out and open a new one. There's a better way: just...
This is a delicious, healthy, dressing that looks so festive on your favorite greens! It tastes best if chilled before serving. Store leftovers in the...
Greek salad dressing has a little too much bite for me, so I added some of the ingredients used in French vinaigrette. This is still fresh and tangy, and...
A simple-to-make pasta salad dressing, based on the ingredient list found on a box of pasta salad mix. My recipe is almost identical to the Italian-style...
A vegan tahini dressing with just 3 ingredients, which you can use almost anywhere! It's delicious as a salad dressing on a simple green salad, or use...
This is a creamy, tangy dressing that gives a fresh herbal flavor to whatever it is paired with. My family likes it on tacos and burritos as well as on...
This Caesar salad dressing is always a hit! Prepare at least 4 hours in advance for best taste. No raw egg means you can make this dressing and keep it...
A twist on original ranch, this avocado-lime version saves time by using powdered ranch dressing mix and a few simple ingredients. Use it to dip veggies,...
This very light, fresh dressing works equally well on mixed greens, spinach or romaine, or just drizzled over sliced, fresh, ripe summer tomatoes and fresh...
A copycat of a lemon-tahini dressing made by a very well-known coffee shop. There are simplified versions, but try making this one, it's definitely worth...
This 'secret' recipe has been in the family for years. If you promise not to tell, I will share it with you! The ingredients may sound strange and at the...
Better than that famous chicken restaurant chain, I promise. Mix together and pour over grated or diced cabbage. Keeps in the fridge for several weeks...
I devised this recipe after searching the net and trying out recipes until I found a mix I liked. If I show up without this salad at BBQ's, there are usually...
This dressing is rich and creamy and goes very well with your favorite salad greens, and can also be used with your favorite cabbage coleslaw recipe as...
This is the dressing everyone begs for when I make salads. My mom's best friend always served it over a bed of romaine with strawberries and Vidalia onions....
This dressing is great served slightly warm and tossed with greens. It's even better with freshly grilled chicken, artichoke hearts or hearts of palm!...
This easy salad is perfect for the dieter or for those who love to eat well. The goat cheese and dressing add needed levels of flavor to these nutrient-packed...