Roasted tomatoes, asparagus, onion and tasty browned chicken meatballs are tossed with linguini, fresh basil and grated Parmesan cheese in this quick,...
Whole wheat pasta owns a nutty, toasty flavor, just the right heartiness to complement fresh herbs and fruity extra virgin olive oil. We chose orecchiette...
The simplicity of Italian flavors like basil and cherry tomato comes through in this healthy, easy pasta dish. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a boost of...
This traditional Italian spaghetti dish from Tuscany is a delicious combination of ground beef, pork, San Marzano tomatoes, and fresh herbs in a red wine...
Shells and cheese can be a great snack, but Johnsonville can transform it into a meal! This recipe combines all of your favorite Italian cheeses with the...
Pierogies are heartwarming, rib-sticking dumplings filled with cheese, onions, bacon and potatoes. Typically taking all day to make, this time-saving version...
This recipe does take a long time, but requires very little effort, and you'll be rewarded with a wonderful, richly-flavored sauce. The hardest thing will...
This scrumptious casserole features tuna, pasta, sun-dried tomatoes and a creamy Alfredo sauce. Ready in less than 1 hour, it's sure to become a family...
Pasta cooks to perfection in Campbell's® Condensed Chicken Broth and is mixed with a comforting blend of Cheddar cheese, tuna fish, bread crumbs and Campbell's®...
Ready in a jiffy, this mouthwatering pasta dish is bursting with great color, flavor and the perfect amount of cheesy goodness. If you like your pasta...
The richness of Saigon Cinnamon flavors this salad created by Suzanne Goin of Luques in Los Angeles, California. Dates, carrots and toasted pinenuts add...
The richness of Saigon Cinnamon flavors this salad created by Suzanne Goin of Luques in Los Angeles, California. Dates, carrots and toasted pinenuts add...
Loaded with flavor, color, and texture, this pasta dish with chopped kale, roasted red bell peppers, pine nuts, and grated cheese makes a great one-dish...
A cold pasta salad with penne pasta, roasted chicken, feta cheese, kalamata olives, spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, and roasted red peppers is tossed with...