Swanson® Chicken Broth is the key to quick and easy cooking in this light pasta topper featuring chicken, garlic, parsley, lemon juice and a hint of Dijon-style...
Spicy Cajun flavours kick up this easy sauce, and cream adds smoothness to the heat of the dish. Look for smoked sausages where they sell bacon and other...
Mini penne tossed with colorful bell peppers and fresh basil makes a colorful and satisfying vegetarian meal. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a healthy...
Mini penne tossed with colorful bell peppers and fresh basil makes a colorful and satisfying vegetarian meal. Barilla White Fiber pasta adds a healthy...
An easier take on an Italian classic. Rich and creamy alfredo sauce combines with Parmesan and Pancetta (Italian bacon) for a delicious pasta dish the...
Reports Trisha Kruse of Boise, Idaho, This tantalizing glaze was inspired by a chicken dish I enjoyed in Vermont. I decided to try it with salmon...and...
No time to cook? This easy recipe will fit into your schedule perfectly. Fresh tortellini and Great Northern beans are cooked in a tomato broth in less...
This skillet macaroni and cheese gets kicked up with seasoned picante sauce, ground beef, corn and tomatoes. The kids love it, and it's ready to serve...
Yes, you can make a gourmet-style dish in just 30 minutes! It's as simple as this skillet chicken dish, served in a creamy balsamic sauce with olives,...
Mandarin oranges and grapes pair perfectly with cheese tortellini in this cool and refreshing pasta salad. Serve with crunchy breadsticks and tall glasses...
Macaroni and cheese like it's supposed to be, tasty with homemade goodness. Children and adults alike will love this classic. Enjoy with your favorite...
Super quick prep and your family will love it! My children are dairy-intolerant; I have found that coconut milk is an excellent substitute for milk and...
Pasta primavera-noodles with vegetables-takes a spicy turn with Cajun seasoning. Pass the seasoning container at the table, in case anyone wants it even...
Also known as Farfalle con Salsa di Verdure, this pasta dish has a lively vegetable medley of tomatoes, asparagus, broccoli, green beans and lima beans...
Roasted tomatoes, asparagus, onion and tasty browned chicken meatballs are tossed with linguini, fresh basil and grated Parmesan cheese in this quick,...