This pasta dish is quick and easy. The sauce is flavorful and the spicy Italian sausage gives it just a little kick. Serve with a salad and warm Italian...
Crispy pancetta-Italian bacon-and a creamy pasta sauce of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese and eggs meld with spaghetti to create a quick but satisfying classic...
Spicy Cajun flavours kick up this easy sauce, and cream adds smoothness to the heat of the dish. Look for smoked sausages where they sell bacon and other...
With its rice shape and fresh-bread, pasta flavor, orzo is one tiny cut with endless possibilities. Orzo began as a simple soup cut, but has extended its...
With its rice shape and fresh-bread, pasta flavor, orzo is one tiny cut with endless possibilities. Orzo began as a simple soup cut, but has extended its...
Grilled pork kabobs seasoned Caribbean-style top a lively couscous salad topped with fruit and tangy vinaigrette. This makes a satisfying summer supper...
What a great way to use leftover roasted turkey--bake it with pasta in a creamy herb and garlic sauce with green beans and onion topped with shredded cheese...
This pasta dish is quick and easy. The sauce is flavorful and the spicy Italian sausage gives it just a little kick. Serve with a salad and warm Italian...
Creole flavors of shrimp, bell peppers, onion, garlic and tomato are kicked up with Pace® Picante Sauce and served over pasta to make a quick and delicious...
With fresh spinach, pesto with sun dried tomatoes and delicate chicken and prosciutto tortelloni pasta, this savory soup offers a delicious way to warm...
Whip up an Italian-inspired dinner with this tasty and colorful recipe featuring broccoli, cauliflower, and red peppers tossed with pasta, chicken, and...
Here's an easy way to make a crowd-pleasing classic. Use your favorite spaghetti sauce and lots of good cheeses, and in no time your lasagna is ready to...
Most lasagnas have too much salt and fat for me, so I came up with this version, notes Dorothea Rickner of Rochester, New York. Its fairly easy to prepare...
Fettuccine, Chicken and Beans Alfredo is a low fat, high fiber variation on the traditional theme. It has terrific flavor in a blend of cubed chicken and...
This recipe has been rumored to be one of Sophia Loren's favorites. A quick tip to keep your cheese mold-free is to store it in a tightly covered container...
Our Pepperazzi™ peppers are a unique, sweet-and-spicy pepper from Peru--just the right complement to a mild, creamy sauce. We add baby spinach and juicy...