This sauce is a delightful combination of sweetness and spice. Canned tomatoes work perfectly well, but you might also want to try using fresh tomatoes...
Everyone enjoys a good, cold pasta salad every now and then. I made this recipe after being inspired to try my hand at pickling red onions. Pickling adds...
Well I got this recipe fro an oldd friend of mines great grandmother. She told me the way she did it and told me to add my own personal spin to it, to...
Making fresh pasta dough is especially easy if you use a food processor. There are endless variations for flavoring the pasta and shaping it. All start...
Simple lifestyles recipe and Simply Eats have inspired this easy recipe. The earthy flavor of the white truffle oil gives this mac and cheese with bacon...
From Mr. Food. I know! I know! Apple Lasagna sounds strange, doesn't it? Well, I sure will be surprised if this great lasagna recipe doesn't become a favorite...
I tried this at a church function and had to have the recipe. The combination of ingredients may not sound as if they go together, but this salad tastes...
I cringe when the kids want the boxed mac and cheese because I feel it tastes like chemicals and know it it full of them. Several attempts yielded thick...
Saw this in a local newspaper, which was having a contest for 'best mac and cheese' recipes. This one looked so simple that I could not believe it would...
My brother-n-law, nephew and cousin always fight over this...They all want to get the corners where the cheese crusts up, they say that's the best part....
I made these to go with our Orange chicken. These were so quick and easy to make and they were so yummy. Of course I don't post anything that wasn't approved...
This is a nice side dish to accompany a plain meat meal, such as steak or pork chops.I halved the original recipe, but forgot to halve the butter! It was...
This yummy side dish is from The Modern Art of Chinese Cooking by Barbara Tropp. It is very simple and will last for several days in the refrigerator....
I am posting the Bot Boi noodle recipe for another member whom requested it. They are simple to make and can be used in the Pennsylvania Dutch Chicken...
I have lately started favoring orzo over rice as a side dish to many meals. It just has a better texture and taste. This recipe is so versitle also, you...
This is a fantastic side dish and easy to make multiple batches. Be sure to mix well. Allow to thaw well before reheating in microwave. Could easily add...
This is my mother in law's recipe. She's from KY where Mac and Cheese is considered a staple on the kitchen table. It's custard style so that when cooled...
If you've never cooked with orzo before, it's actually an Italian dried pasta. The interesting fact is that orzo in Italian means barley so this is why...
Didn't feel like cooking tonight so I went to the pantry and came up with this from stuff on the shelves. Hubby really liked it and I thought it was pretty...
Feast your eyes on this mac and cheese recipe,it's french onion soup style,it filled with caramelized onions,french onion dip and onion rings,it's great...
Hotel Gurney was a hotel in Yankton, SD owned by the family that started Gurney Seeds. Gurney Seeds is still a mail order seed company but Hotel Gurney...
What a unique take on macaroni and cheese. The evaporated milk does indeed make this very creamy. Bacon and chipotle give the mac and cheese a nice smoky...
A delicious and creamy three cheese Instant Pot Mac and Cheese made in less than 20 minutes using common pantry ingredients. Surprise your family with...
Years ago I always brought this salad to cook outs, everybody loved it! I made it with two boxes of parmesan suddenly salad and mixed in veggies and chicken....