For when Buzz steals the last slice, make your own! Serve with a glass of milk, Kevin McAllister-style. The smoky cheese blend provides a distinct flavor...
The sweetness of these carrots perfectly balances out the tartness of the goat cheese. This melty, cheesy pizza is topped with a lemon arugula salad to...
This is an amazing vegetarian pizza dish with lots of flavor from caramelized onion and kale. Plus, it's more nutritious than your average meat-and-cheese...
This appetizer is a cool pizza made with refrigerated crescent roll dough and topped with finely chopped vegetables. Zucchini, mushrooms, green peppers,...
This delicious pizza gives a new twist to two old favorites. It tastes just like a burger from a famous burger franchise with its special sauce, ground...
There are some compromises that come with eating low carb, but this isn't one of them. Even if you're not on the keto diet, you'll like this. Quick, easy,...
Unique Pizza that uses hash brown potatoes for the crust, and is topped with sausage, tomatoes and mushrooms. Experiment with some of your other favorite...
Pizza made in the waffle iron! It's so fun to make and perfect for a busy weeknight or quick snack. I use pre-made pizza dough but your favorite homemade...
This recipe was developed by my 10-year old daughter, based on one of her favorite flatbread sandwiches. She calls it a 'Saladizza' because it is a salad...
This is a great light meal or snack that can be made with minimum effort. You can also use flat pita bread or focaccias to make other types of delicious...
Hearty and gluten-free. The whole family loves this simple dish. Add a side salad and dinner is ready quickly. I keep browned ground beef and onions cooked...
My daughter loves these puff pastry pizzas. You can use them as a meal or as an appetizer. The best part is you can add whatever you want to make them...
Fast and VERY kid friendly.. they can make them and all you have to do is bake them! Pizza sauce, cheese and their choice of topping makes this a great...
This is quite an easy crust to make. No waiting for the dough to rise; simply pour and spread on parchment paper and top with the beautiful and delicious...
Use the pumpkin hummus recipe from this site to make this amazing pizza. I love to fool around in the kitchen and I came up with this pizza and my parents...
A topping of spicy barbeque sauce, diced chicken, cilantro, peppers, and onion all covered with cheese, and baked to bubbly goodness! This is similar to...
One of my absolute favorite pizza recipes! We make this at home with leftover rotisserie chicken and often make two to have leftovers! The amount of pesto,...