A hearty and versatile sausage casserole that can be adapted to suit your family - you can easily swap the mushrooms for another vegetable such as carrots...
Old Fashioned Slow Cooked Liver, Bacon and Onions. Meltingly soft, tender pieces of liver cooked in a delicious onion gravy with the bonus of bacon thrown...
This cheesy eggplant bake is a really easy and non-fiddly version of a classic eggplant parmesan, with roasted aubergines, rich tomato sauce, and gooey...
This delicious oven-baked walleye recipe is freshly caught and so healthy. In less than 45 minutes, this easy baked walleye recipe is ready to serve. With...
Nanny's Spaghetti Sauce and Meatballs (with Italian Sausage too!) is a popular recipe with her family. The grandkids absolutely love it! Easy to make,...
Try this recipe for the best slow cooker carnitas! They're hands-free & so easy to make with just a few ingredients. Perfect for tacos, burritos, taco...
Put your roast chicken leftovers to good use and make this Leftover Chicken Fried Rice! This classic Chinese recipe is easy, delicious and is ready in...
This is by far the BEST Beef Brisket I have ever had! Juicy and tender on the inside with a delicious outer crust, what is there not to like. Also, it...
A tasty homemade cabbage pierogi that is filled with fresh garden cabbage and has an unbelievable delicious flavor. The simple pierogi dough is made with...
This enchilada casserole tastes like my favourite vegetarian enchiladas, but only takes 15 minutes of effort - no rolling or layering! The perfect veggie-packed...
These cheesy risotto cakes are an easy and tasty way to use up leftover risotto! They're breaded in a crispy, cheesy coating, and served with a simple...
Garlic lovers rejoice! This pasta recipe is loaded with the flavor of roasted garlic, chicken, and thyme. Creamy, filling, and perfect for weeknights make...
This cheesy lentil pasta is the perfect hearty comfort food - made in just 20 minutes, with 6 store cupboard ingredients! Plus it's kid friendly and...
This amazingly easy soup is not only delicious but healthy as well. Zucchini, shallots, garlic and a touch of Boursin cheese are combined to form the perfect...
An easy recipe for the best Stuffed Peppers, a classic dinner now made healthier and more affordable! Freezer-friendly, versatile, and simple with only...
Try this delicious recipe for slow cooker white chicken chili. It's easy, creamy, and flavorful plus it's freezer-friendly, and always a family favorite!...
This Maple Bourbon Injected Ham is easy and delicious. By injecting a Maple Bourbon into the ham, you actually get the maple and Bourbon throughout the...
Chicken, Bacon & Spinach Pasta Dinner. Quick & easy dinner, with fresh or frozen spinach, chicken, bacon and garlic. Packed with flavor, and ready in under...