Crock Pot Ravioli Lasagna is a quick and easy way to satisfy your craving for lasagna without all the work. This Ravioli Lasagna recipe is meatless and...
Next time when you crave Chinese food, instead of take-out, make this quick, easy and delicious hot and sour chicken. Serve it over a bed of rice, your...
Frutti di mare is a flavorful, decadent pasta dish that's full of mussels, clams, shrimp, scallops, and squid to make this incredibly delicious seafood...
A silky aromatic sauce nicely coats juicy charred pieces of yogurt-marinated lamb which then gets spooned over rice and finished with cilantro and naan...
It's about that time! You're finished with St. Patrick's Day and don't know what to do with those corned beef leftovers. You're in luck! I've got the best...
This is an excellent recipe for grilling flounder. The cajan seasoning is very good. I followed the recipe but I didn't have worchestershire sauce. I would...
Oven-baked blackened Mahi Mahi is a delicious sheet pan dinner recipe that's super easy to bake. The fresh Mahi Mahi fillets cook up nice and flaky with...
These Hot Dog and Hamburger Cowboy Beans will knock your socks off with their unbelievable flavor and amazing taste! You won't have to ring that dinner...
The Mexican cheese soup is comforting and a complete meal. It has diced potatoes and onions, corn, chopped garlic, chile pasado (or roasted poblano), warm...
Hamburger Steak with Country Gravy- tender, seasoned ground beef patties are pan-fried and covered with a creamy, country gravy. Such a hearty and economical...
We love meatloaf recipes around here. So I've gathered up my favorites that will make for an easy and flavorful dinner! This list has a type of meatloaf...
Swiss cheese, fresh spinach and mushrooms serve as the base for this scrumptious dish. Store bought pie crust or scratch pastry can be used--either way,...
When you need a delicious dinner in a hurry, I've got you covered with these tasty Bistec Ranchero! This recipe for steak & potatoes only has a handful...
Cooking hot dogs in the air fryer is just as simple as using the microwave, but the result is so much better! The hot dogs get a bit of that roasty grilled...
This quick and easy Cast Iron Skillet Pizza is a great way to switch up your usual Friday night pizza routine! This deep dish pizza has a thick crust that's...
Southern salmon stew is the perfect comfort food for your family that includes your favorite fish! It's overflowing with savory flavors and only takes...
This Chickpea, Spinach, and Brown Rice Pot is a great little dish that is so easy to prepare. Delicious served with some yoghurt, a big dollop of hummus...
If you want to make these vegetarian, just substitute the pork fat or bacon grease with your favorite oil. For an estimate on how much this makes, be sure...
Instant Pot Italian sausage is ready in 15 minutes! The sausages are so tender and juicy, amazing! Once you try cooking Italian sausage in your Instant...
This Cheesy Salsa and Chicken Pasta Skillet is warm, hearty comfort food that's ready in 30 minutes! Perfect for busy weeknights when you want to get your...
This recipe of cider braised pork tenderloin with apples is a one-pot-meal of tender pork, apples and a savory sauce made from the braising liquid. It...
Slow Cooker Chicken and Bisquick Dumplings is a simple comfort food meal that only requires a few ingredients. The slow cooker does most of the work for...