Best Crockpot Beef Stew starts with beef slowly simmered in the slow cooker until the beef is spoon tender. Stuffed with carrots and potatoes this is an...
Easy to make this will quickly become your favorite homemade soup recipe! Loaded with clams and bacon it's creamy and hearty! Easier to make than you...
Why go out to an expensive restaurant when you can enjoy Crockpot Paella at home. Tender chicken and pork with spicy chorizo and sweet tender shrimp combine...
Calabacitas con Queso is a vegetarian Mexican recipe made of squash and cheese. It's a satisfying and tasty meal for Meatless Monday dinner, light lunch,...
Italian Meatball Subs. Homemade beef parmesan meatballs in a fresh marinara sauce topped with melted mozzarella cheese all on toasted bread. The best meatball...
Easy to make TexMex Enchiladas! Customizable with your favorite fillings and toppings. It's always a crowd pleaser, perfect for meal prep and freezing...
Love Mexican Food? Me too! This Skinny Taco Salad Bowl has all of your fresh, favorite ingredients. Light and healthy this one won't weigh you down either....
Green Chicken Enchiladas will be a huge hit with the family, everyone loves the flavors of this easy to make dish! Keep the ingredients on hand for an...
Rich flavors from your favorite Thai Restaurant in a quick and easy soup. Spicy Thai Noodle Soup with Shrimp takes less than 30 minutes to make and is...
Ham and Cheese Sliders These baked ham and cheese sliders and layered with ham, melted cheese, on a Hawaiian sweet roll, and basted with a flavorful, buttery...
A simple and reliable 3-ingredient homemade gluten free pasta recipe. Once you've tasted this gluten free pasta from scratch, you'll never go back to the...