I think you're going to love this tasty, lighter version of a restaurant classic! We'll definitely be adding these to our meal rotation--once you try them...
Colorful bell peppers are stuffed with a combination of chorizo sausage, corn kernels, browned ground beef, Spanish rice, and cheese for a delicious weeknight...
Packed with flavor, this Creamy Lemon Chicken and Rice recipe can be prepped and on the table in 20 minutes, and will quickly become a family favorite!...
A one-skillet, family-friendly meal that is ready in 30 minutes. Make use of leftover, pre-cooked chicken for this fast, affordable meal. Serve in a bowl,...
We always love digging into a pan of enchiladas but have not always had time to make them. So we took all the things we love about enchiladas to make a...
Transform a chicken and rice casserole into a one-skillet meal with the addition of fire-grilled vegetables and beans seasoned to bring out the flavors...
Chipotle Chili with Rice is an easy, one pot meal that can be on the table in under 30 minutes. It's made with easy ingredients and has tons of flavor...
Spice up your next party with our Cheese 'N Rice Quesadillas appetizer recipe that combines green chiles and Mexican rice to create cheesy out-of-this-world...
Now that summer is winding down, I'm planning ahead to ensure that our weeknights go as smoothly as possible. I know that my days are going to be very...
Take your family on a dinner trip inspired by the flavors of Mexico from the comfort of your home cocina. Ready in 35 minutes, make Knorr's Chili Lime...
Enjoy this flavorful Beef & Cheese Enchilada Casserole tonight! This easy to prepare family favorite will be sure to please and is ready in less than 1...
Salad and entrée in one dish! This quick, hearty, one-pot recipe combines Italian-inspired flavors with the freshness of crisp vegetables for a complete...
Forget the big salad bowl! Wow your table by serving this taco salad in restaurant-style tortilla bowls. Serve it as a starter or as a main dish--it's...
Knorr® Fiesta Sides™ - Mexican Rice combined with seasoned ground beef and red bell pepper are stacked on crispy corn tostadas and topped with lettuce,...
Whip up an Italian classic in just 30 minutes with our Quick Risotto-Style Rice Chicken recipe. Dig into a creamy mix of chicken, peas and mushrooms topped...