Sticky, Sweet & Spicy Grilled Ginger Chicken with a flavorful sweet and spicy soy ginger glaze. This Thai chicken marinade is perfect for using chicken...
Creamy, protein-packed pumpkin pie smoothie blended with pumpkin puree, banana, yogurt, nut butter and cozy spices for a delicious breakfast or snack!...
Deliciously creamy chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie that seriously tastes like a Wendy's frosty! This healthy chocolate banana smoothie recipe...
Gorgeous balsamic herb sheet pan roasted vegetables tossed with fresh thyme, rosemary, olive oil and tangy balsamic vinegar. This easy roasted vegetable...
Gorgeous California roasted sweet potato kale salad with dried cranberries, avocado, sweet & spicy pistachios and a creamy tahini dressing. This vegan...
One of my favorite go-to summer salads is this fresh peach spinach salad with creamy goat cheese, heart-healthy avocado and crunchy toasted almonds. Drizzle...
Tofu, Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, bell pepper, garlic, turmeric, ginger and simmer in vegetarian coconut milk based curry dish in partnership with Nasoya...
This Spanish Chorizo and Shrimp is a one pan 30-minute meal that uses primarily pantry staples and is perfect for an easy weeknight meal. The shrimp are...
Learn how to make a coffee smoothie with brewed coffee! This delicious, easy coffee smoothie recipe has a hint of chocolate from cacao powder, a boost...
The best homemade roasted tomato basil soup made with fresh tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, caramelized onions and optional add-ins for extra creaminess....
Creamy healthy greek yogurt ranch dressing with ingredients that you can feel good about! This easy homemade ranch dressing will be your new go-to for...
This Balsamic Chicken and Figs is a wonderful one pan dish to serve in late summer when fresh figs are in season. The combination of sweet and juicy figs...
This wonderful, healthy slow cooker chicken tikka masala is my take on a comforting Indian dish made with tomato sauce, chicken breast, coconut milk, and...
Goat cheese & spinach stuffed chicken breast make an amazing low carb and keto-friendly dinner! These baked chicken breasts are easily cut 'hasselback...
Tangy and delicious vitamin C packed strawberry orange banana smoothie made with fresh fruit and creamy almond milk. This easy, 4-ingredient smoothie is...
Delicious chipotle chicken tostadas topped with a colorful, fresh pineapple salsa. These healthy chicken tostadas are easy to make and have an incredible...
This Szechuan Pork & Green Bean Stir Fry is a spicy one pan dish that takes just 15 minutes to make! It's a great weeknight dinner you can throw together...
Tropical mango pineapple coconut smoothie made with three simple ingredients for a creamy texture that tastes like your favorite piña colada. You'll love...
Fluffy almond flour pancakes made with just 5 core ingredients: almond flour, coconut or almond milk, eggs, oil and vanilla extract. These keto almond...
I love the Spanish inspired flavours of this sheet pan Spanish chicken, chorizo and veggies. With a hands on prep time of just 10 minutes (plus 30 minutes...
Gorgeous lemon blueberry smoothie with bright flavors from fresh lemon juice and juicy blueberries. This easy, vegan lemon blueberry smoothie is naturally...
These really are the best Shrimp Burgers! They are packed with chunks of shrimp, lemon and herb and are light and fresh in flavour. They take just 30 minutes...
Delicious, healthy slow cooker black bean pumpkin turkey chili bursting with sweet & spicy flavors thanks to hints of maple, cinnamon, chili powder & cayenne....
These Whole30 and Paleo Vietnamese Lettuce Wraps are packed with fresh flavours and tender marinated pork. With a cook time of under 10 minutes, this is...
Incredible no bake peanut butter fudge made with just 5 simple ingredients! This easy peanut butter freezer fudge has chunks of peanut butter cups in every...
Truly one of the best gluten free brownie recipes on the internet: fudgy, flourless almond butter brownies made with simple ingredients like natural creamy...
Learn exactly how to make hummus from scratch in just 15 minutes with 5 basic ingredients! This easy homemade hummus recipe is super creamy and even more...
Gorgeous frozen strawberry margarita made with 4 simple ingredients for a fun, refreshing summer cocktail! This easy frozen strawberry margarita recipe...
This Creamy Cauliflower Faux-Tato Salad has all of the best parts of classic potato salad, but is low carb and Whole30! Oven roasted cauliflower florets...
This comforting bowl of soup is packed with chunks of chicken, bacon, mushrooms and leeks all cooked in a creamy soup base that you would never guess is...
Learn exactly how to make collard wraps for the perfect easy lunch filled with veggies and protein! In this step-by-step tutorial for making collard wraps,...
I took my favorite family, hamburger pie recipe (that was not grain free, and involved a frozen pastry pie crust), and tweaked it, to make a primal and...
Beautiful almond flour strawberry shortcake cake made with a mix of almond & coconut flour. This grain and gluten free strawberry shortcake cake is topped...
Paleo lemon blueberry bread made with a mix of almond and coconut flour to keep it grain and gluten free, and is bursting with juicy blueberries and fresh...
These Seared Scallops on Cauliflower Puree are a great 30-minute meal when you want to impress. The scallops are seared until they form a golden crust...
Learn exactly how to cook the perfect chicken breast four different ways! In this step-by-step tutorial for cooking chicken breast you'll perfect baking,...