Healthy turkey chili made with lean ground turkey, kidney beans and corn. This version is simply the BEST! Perfectly spiced and packed with plenty of protein...
Easy pickled radishes are quick to make and will enhance any food you serve it with. Perfectly sweet & tangy, they're a great pickle to have in the fridge....
Sticky, Sweet & Spicy Grilled Ginger Chicken with a flavorful sweet and spicy soy ginger glaze. This Thai chicken marinade is perfect for using chicken...
Flavorful sesame garlic roasted asparagus deliciously seasoned and cooked to crunchy perfection right in the oven. This easy roasted asparagus recipe comes...
Hearty and delicious slow cooker white wine chicken stew filled with fresh herbs, veggies and plenty of protein. This creamy white wine chicken stew is...
Creamy, protein-packed pumpkin pie smoothie blended with pumpkin puree, banana, yogurt, nut butter and cozy spices for a delicious breakfast or snack!...
Deliciously creamy chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie that seriously tastes like a Wendy's frosty! This healthy chocolate banana smoothie recipe...
Delicious and creamy southwest chicken corn chowder made with beautiful summer veggies like sweet corn and fresh peppers. This easy chicken corn chowder...
Cheesy, creamy au gratin potatoes made with three types of cheese for an incredible side dish everyone will love! My dad's famous au gratin potatoes...
Gorgeous balsamic herb sheet pan roasted vegetables tossed with fresh thyme, rosemary, olive oil and tangy balsamic vinegar. This easy roasted vegetable...
Gorgeous California roasted sweet potato kale salad with dried cranberries, avocado, sweet & spicy pistachios and a creamy tahini dressing. This vegan...
One of my favorite go-to summer salads is this fresh peach spinach salad with creamy goat cheese, heart-healthy avocado and crunchy toasted almonds. Drizzle...
Tofu, Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, bell pepper, garlic, turmeric, ginger and simmer in vegetarian coconut milk based curry dish in partnership with Nasoya...
Easy Shrimp and Creamy Cheesy Grits! The ultimate southern meal! Cheesy grits, spicy shrimp, crispy bacon and fresh green onions make the ultimate comfort...
Juicy chicken breasts with a punchy olive, tomato and caper dressing is a great, fast summer meal. Not only is it gluten free and low carb, it's also absolutely...
This cauliflower salad is riced cauliflower florets combined with veggies and garbanzo beans and tossed with a light lemon vinaigrette. A low carb side...
Making your own Harissa paste is incredibly easy and once you taste it, you won't be able to stop using it. Perfect as a marinade for meat or a fiery dressing...
This Spanish Chorizo and Shrimp is a one pan 30-minute meal that uses primarily pantry staples and is perfect for an easy weeknight meal. The shrimp are...
The BEST turkey lasagna ever. This healthy turkey lasagna recipe is made with a homemade tomato basil sauce packed with fresh herbs & Italian spices, lean...
Learn how to make a coffee smoothie with brewed coffee! This delicious, easy coffee smoothie recipe has a hint of chocolate from cacao powder, a boost...
Vibrant curry cashew chickpea quinoa salad packed with veggies and delicious flavor from curry powder, fresh ginger, turmeric and sweet and spicy maple...
Easy pulled chicken sandwiches topped with a sweet and tangy cabbage slaw. This healthy slow cooker pulled chicken sandwich recipe is is perfect for BBQ's,...
Vegetarian minestrone soup packed with veggies like celery, carrots, green beans and spinach and simmered in a flavorful, Italian seasoned tomato broth....
The best homemade roasted tomato basil soup made with fresh tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, caramelized onions and optional add-ins for extra creaminess....
Creamy healthy greek yogurt ranch dressing with ingredients that you can feel good about! This easy homemade ranch dressing will be your new go-to for...
Delicious, thick and creamy vegan corn chowder made without any cream or dairy! This easy vegan corn chowder recipe uses potatoes, coconut milk and a blender...
Keep cool this summer with this 3-ingredient Peach Jello Salad Recipe! Prepped in under 5 minutes and full of flavor, this dessert salad is just like what...
Truly the BEST easy, cheesy bean dip full of savory southwest flavors and great for serving a crowd. Grab your favorite tortilla chips and get ready to...
Soft and chewy pita bread made with gluten-free flour. Thicker than a tortilla. Slice the tops to fill them with vegetables and even hot grilled meats,...
Incredible brown butter acorn squash pasta tossed with toasted hazelnuts, sage, and a sprinkle of freshly grated parmesan. This wonderful pasta dish has...
Spicy ranch chopped chicken cabbage salad made with a rainbow of veggies like bell pepper, carrots, crunchy cabbage, sweet corn and a kick of heat from...
This Balsamic Chicken and Figs is a wonderful one pan dish to serve in late summer when fresh figs are in season. The combination of sweet and juicy figs...