The marinade for this chicken is true to the authentic Thai grilled chicken (Gai Yang). Traditional Gai Yang is served with a dipping sauce but I find...
A tasty way to prepare economical cuts of lamb chops and steaks! Tenderise and infuse them with flavour with a delicious marinade then grill to perfection...
Grilled Shrimp and Scallop Kabobs are fantastic! The marinade is quick and easy to prepare. Toss your shrimp and scallops in for a quick swim and BAM!...
Looking for that perfect grilling recipe thats just slightly different? These Asian Marinated Grilled Shrimp Skewers are bursting with flavor and super...
Miso and eggplant is a gorgeous combination of flavours. If you've never tried it before, you're in for a treat. The traditional Japanese way of making...
Our grilled lamb chops marinate in an herbed-wine mixture. With its natural "handle," the cut called a rib chop makes it easy to savor the shish-kebab-like...
Nothing is more rib-sticking good than kielbasa and potatoes together. Add cheese and you have this delicious and easy casserole. Can also be cooked on...
Learn how to grill lettuce, an amazing way to transform romaine lettuce into something delicious! Grilling lettuce is simple and infuses it with smokiness...
A sliced grilled ribeye, grilled tomatoes, peppery arugula, and a blue cheese thyme butter between crusty grilled bread - this steak sandwich is the stuff...
Chili Lime Grilled Shrimp Skewers are tender, juicy shrimp marinated in warm spices and fresh lime juice, then grilled to perfection. This is an easy dinner...
Easy Grilled Corn On The Cob With Husk - the perfect grilled corn, no foil needed, soft and charred, ready in under 30 minutes. Works great as a side dish...
These succulent Smoked Chicken Thighs bring out the best in backyard smoking. They are brined, seared, and smoked with apple wood until absolute perfection....
This juicy Grilled Flank Steak is easy to make and has a homemade Avocado Chimichurri that is so full of flavor! It's the perfect steak recipe for a dinner...
A recipe for making amazing rotisserie prime rib on the grill. The beef turns out incredibly juicy and tender on the inside, with the classic crust of...
Whether you're a pro at the grill or just looking to fire up the BBQ on occasion, having a sugar free BBQ rub for chicken, pork, and beyond is a must!...
Jalapeño Lime Marinated Steak is juicy and full of delicious flavors. One bite and it will send you back to grilling on warm summer days. By Mama Maggie's...
An easy grilling recipe for BBQ Pork Rib with a Spicy Dry Rub. The dry rub is quick to prepare and is delicious on pork ribs. The ribs are cooked indirectly...
If you want to make the juiciest roast turkey, chicken, or pork then check out this easy apple cider beer brine recipe to infuse flavor and elevate your...
This trouble-free camp fare is hearty enough to satisfy an adventurer's appetite. Skillet Biscuits -- ours are seasoned with a splash of orange-juice concentrate...
This Grilled Steak with Garlic Butter Mushrooms is a recipe that the whole family loved. I wasn't surprised; everyone in the family loves their steaks...
Greek grilled pork chops are crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, with the classic Greek flavors of olive oil, lemon, garlic and oregano. Cooking...
Easy Cheddar Cheeseburgers made with ground beef, cheddar cheese & an amazing blend of seasonings! Fire up the grill and make the best homemade cheeseburgers...
Quickly marinated boneless skinless chicken thighs that are grilled to perfection, crispy on the outside and juicy on the outside. Loaded with flavor,...
Sweet and savoury flavours take any steak up a notch. This easy marinade is made with real Canadian maple syrup adding a touch of sweetness to savoury...