The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
This simple recipe works best with cod (scrod) and flounder. The product is a fresh, buttery-tasting fillet. Goes so well with french fries or oven fries...
I've got a thing about fish cakes: if they appear on a restaurant menu I always order them - and I'm frequently trying to dream up new variations. This...
The tomatoes, carrots, apple, and onion marry with the monkfish, ginger, turmeric, cumin, basil, and cinnamon to deliver a well-balanced and delicate culinary...
Tasty grilled fish fillet with a tantalizing color and zesty, zingy taste. I love to experiment with grilling fish and marinades, and this is one I've...
Scallops are one of the most delicious foods if seared properly, and the addition of peppers and onions complements them quite well. Serve with couscous...
I love scallops, particularly bay scallops. This is a quick and easy way I've found to prepare them. It has become a regular at my house. If you prefer...
Don't you love one-pot recipes? I love making them. As much as I love to cook, not having a big mess makes me very happy. The curry blend smelled so good...
This is one of our favorite ways to prepare trout. Excellent paired with rice pilaf, side salad, and a glass of pinot grigio for an easy, light, and tasty...
This baked stuffed flounder is easy to make ahead and serve to your guests. The sage stuffing and subtly flavored cream sauce bring accolades from seafood...
This baked stuffed flounder is easy to make ahead and serve to your guests. The sage stuffing and subtly flavored cream sauce bring accolades from seafood...
A baked bluefish recipe which surrounds the palate with bluefish flavor but not the fat or typically strong bluefish odor. This fish tastes delicious served...
This is a variation on a simpler dinner I wanted to add some more flavor to. The added flavor comes from North African spices. The broth used to poach...
This summer in Fort Bragg, my husband went on a fishing charter and came back to the campground with a lot of fresh caught Cod. We came up with this recipe,...
This is, quite simply, a fantastic recipe - it takes no time at all but has the kind of taste that makes people think you spent hours in the kitchen. And...
This is one of our favorite ways to prepare trout. Excellent paired with rice pilaf, side salad, and a glass of pinot grigio for an easy, light, and tasty...
The fresh tomatillo-mango salsa is simple, quick, and a perfect complement to the grilled fish. Serve with your favorite tortillas. You can also enjoy...
I was recently introduced to monkfish (sold as "monkfish tail" in fish markets) and it has become a new favorite of mine. It's often called "poor man's...
I have never made better cod at home than with this recipe. It's quick, delicious, and loaded with flavor. Instead of Pecorino you can use Parmesan, though...
I wanted to create a red snapper dish that uses strong Asian flavors made subtle using simple French techniques. This dish truly exemplifies the perfect...
I wanted to create a red snapper dish that uses strong Asian flavors made subtle using simple French techniques. This dish truly exemplifies the perfect...
This recipe is sweet, tangy, and simple. Black cod, also known as sablefish or butterfish, is really light and delicious and this recipe lets the fish...