If you like hot chicken, you'll love these mini sliders. The waffles are slightly sweet and pair perfectly with the salty chicken and spicy sauce. Dill...
This is a quick and easy one-pot main dish meal. Substitute your favorite ground meat, broth, spices, and pasta shape. For those who want an easy meal...
This quinoa and red lentil stew is healthy and hearty. Flavorful but not spicy... A great dish for the whole family. This stew tastes even better after...
I started making fresh spaghetti sauce when my wife was sick with cancer and the Venezuelan doctor put her on a diet which included no canned goods. I...
Old fashioned potted beef is great on toast. This recipe was invented to be kept for long periods of time unrefrigerated, but in practice it must be kept...
Simple, colorful, tantalizing side dish that goes beautifully with Factory Worker's Chicken! So good it can be used as a light main dish with a green salad...
I usually rush out the door in the morning and I wanted a breakfast alternative to the traditional quick, on-the-go breakfasts. Throw one of these make-ahead...
This pasta dish sauce is so full of flavor you may not realize the sauce has no dairy in it! Go sparingly on the miso paste, and add to taste preference....
This is a delicious grilled eggplant dish that people always come back for more. The Mediterranean seasoning in this recipe is very easy and goes great...
Tangy Swiss chard is prepared with garlic, pinto beans, tomatoes and lime juice and then heated in the oven with delicious goat cheese. It makes a great...
For vegans and anyone else who wants an interesting and healthy version of pulled pork. It satisfied the craving of this 9-year vegetarian. You may eat...
This snack mix gets its sweet from honey and dried cherries and its spicy from chili powder and cayenne pepper. These flavors meld well in your mouth with...
This is my great-grandmother's recipe, great right out of the pot or as leftovers. Each serving is half a pepper plus some of the additional meatballs....
This is a great variation on mashed potatoes. It's a traditional Venezuelan side dish that is sure to delight your guests! Serve it with fresh fish for...
This is my gluten-free knock-off of Classic Bisquick® Baking Mix. This replaces cup-for-cup any recipe calling for Classic Bisquick®, not recipes calling...
I usually use button mushrooms or white mushrooms, but you can use any combination. I like using creme fraiche, but you can substitute cream as well. Serve...
A medley of sausage, broccoli rabe, mushrooms, and white beans makes a warm and satisfying main dish. Serve on its own or plate over a bed of pasta (such...
Beef tips take hours of slow cooking to get tender so I decided to put my multi-functional pressure cooker to the test. The result was the most tender...
Creamy yogurt parfaits make deliciously balanced breakfasts or snacks. Use this simple formula: 2/3 cup yogurt, 1/2 chopped fruit, 2 tablespoons crunch,...
This is from a healthy cooking class. The beauty of this salad is that it will wait for you. It makes such a pretty dish on the table. The Soba buckwheat...
Follow this formula for a family-friendly weeknight meal. Using the variations here or whatever you have on hand, simply toss everything together on one...
This is a family recipe that comes from Australia. It is quick and filling for cold winter days. Excellent served with rice or slices of French bread and...
Since the Covid lockdown, I haven't been able to go to IKEA® where they serve delicious veggie balls. So in the true self-assemble spirit that makes it...