Pesto is great with pasta whether it's warm OR cold. This creamy pesto pasta salad is a great make-ahead side dish to feed a crowd, or a great dinner all...
Serve up this flavorful and healthy Skillet Salmon Potato Hash with a green salad for brunch or a light dinner. 174 calories and 3 Weight Watchers Freestyle...
These fish sticks come together so quickly and can make both kids and adults happy. They are crisp on the outside, moist on the inside and don't leave...
Dinner just doesn't get any easier than this comforting vegetable pie-it even makes its own crust! To make it even quicker, substitute a 10-ounce package...
This hearty Picadillo Mexicano is a meat and potatoes dish featuring ground beef, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, vegetables, and fantastic seasoning! Picadillo...
After a hard day's work, enjoy this flavorful chicken seasoned and bathed in a coconut, lime, jalapeño and ginger marinade. This recipe by Leah Eskin...
Vegan vegetable strudel is stuffed with vegetables in a thick and creamy vegan gravy, wrapped in a light flaky, oil-free dough, and baked to perfection....
This smash burger will be the most moist, juicy and tender burger you've ever made at home. The seasoning couldn't be more simple and it takes less than...
Bob's Bacon Potato Clam Chowder, a classic New England recipe, makes a comforting, delicious meal for the whole family! Bacon renders, then an onion cooks...
Ready to upgrade your walking taco dinner? Fritos™ corn chips offer an element of crunch to these quick and easy chili-filled Old El Paso™ Soft Tortilla...
15 minute meal! Baked cod with olive tapenade is one of the easiest, healthiest meals in my recipe arsenal. Plus, it's inexpensive to make. It's a win-win-win!...
This quick skillet dinner is perfect for the fall when apples are coming into season and everyone looks forward to a warm dinner as the evenings get cooler....
Makloubeh translates to "upside down" in Arabic because it combines layers of stewed beef, roasted eggplants, tomatoes and rice, cooked to perfection and...
Kids and adults alike will love these easy, dippable, Thai-inspired chicken meatballs. Fun and versatile, they can be served with noodles, rice or crunchy...
There's just something about the caramelized crust and meaty interior of scallops that makes them the perfect protein. They are also a total blank canvas,...
Slow cookers are for so much more than starchy, fat-filled casseroles and soups: they're also for elegant appetizers and side dishes for that fancy dinner...
Chicken Marengo is a classic French dish named after the Battle of Marengo, a victory for Napoleon's French troops in 1800. This saucy one-pot dish is...
This creamy tomato macaroni is one of my most popular and easiest pressure cooker pasta recipes. Simple and delicious, always buttery or creamy, it's bound...
This Leftover Prime Rib Beef Stroganoff is rich, creamy, tasty plus quick and easy to make as well! You've put all that time and effort into roasting...
An easy, healthy, and delicious protein-packed gluten-free vegan Southwestern Chowder chock-full of corn, potatoes, quinoa, red lentils, green chiles,...
If you can't get enough crust in your morning quiche, this easy recipe is for you. Mix biscuit mix (like Bisquik) into your eggs, dairy and veggies, and...
Whether you're looking for a bowl of noodles as a vegetarian main meal or as an accompanying dish for something else, this recipe for sesame noodles is...
The classic German Jägerschnitzel combines tender, crispy-fried breaded pork cutlets served with a deliciously rich bacon mushroom gravy! This is truly...
A one skillet breakfast is super simple to get on the table with this cheesy frittata that is loaded with your favorites-chorizo seasoned pork, eggs, cheese...
This vegan ramen with shiitake mushrooms and tofu is the perfect vegan comfort food! It's packed with flavor, really healthy, and ready in less than 30...
Beer Battered Fish and Chips is an all-time favorite British meal. Though it is usually deep-fried, now you can make it with less guilt by air-frying your...
No need to go out for delicious chicken fajitas when you can make this restaurant-inspired version at home. Ready to go big on homemade flavor? These fresh...