Mango chutney provides Indian flavor to your family's dinner! Enjoy this wonderful slow cooked chicken curry made with protein-packed chick peas - served...
Hold a fiesta on your grill with shrimp marinated in lime, salt and tequila. Skewered with bright red peppers and fresh green zucchini and it both looks...
This simple and flavorful Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup comes together in a snap! (That means dinner is on the table in under half an hour.) Beans, chicken...
Alfredo is a classically high-fat and calorie dish. This lovely linguine, a great 30-minute rush hour dinner, has much less fat and calories than the traditional...
The reverse sear is one of the easiest and arguably best methods of cooking a steak. Start it in a low oven, then quickly sear it in a hot pan or on the...
Italian sausage links are simmered away in a well seasoned marinara sauces with sliced bell peppers and onions, The Italian sausages and peppers are then...
Artichoke provides a simple addition to a hearty grilled turkey sandwich that's ready in just 25 minutes. Perfect if you are planning an Italian cuisine...
These four-ingredient beef fajitas in an Italian dressing marinade are a fun way to change up Mexican night. Top with pico de gallo salsa and your other...
Beef shanks are braised in an ample amount of red wine with carrots and onions until the meat is tender and falling off the bone. The braising liquid and...
Enjoy these pita bread fold sandwiches for a hearty dinner. Slow cooked chicken thighs dressed in Yoplait® 99% Fat Free plain yogurt and herb seasoning...
A one-skillet meal that's beautiful, delicious and - surprise! - super easy. Italian herb-seasoned chicken thighs are browned in a skillet and roasted...
From Betty's Soul Food Collection... North, south, east and west-no matter where you hail from, all signs point to this coast-to-coast favorite, simmered...