Packed with Philly cheese steak flavors, this comforting twist on shepherd's pie is loaded with seasoned ground beef, mushrooms, onion and green bell pepper...
These ham sandwiches are packed with flavor and are extra tender thanks to spending a little time in the slow cooker. Serve them on toasted pretzel rolls...
This classic Genovese method of preparing pasta with pesto includes cubes of potato and pieces of green bean, all cooked together in the pasta pot until...
This Asian-inspired dish is a quick fix for a delicious dinner. Sea scallops stir-fried with broccoli, mushroom and red pepper, served over white rice...
Chitterlings is one of those recipes that you have to try for a true soul food experience. We teach you how to clean and cook chitlins in your kitchen...
44% fewer calories • 76% less fat • 83% less sat fat than the original recipe. Have a few minutes? Create a taste of the Mediterranean with deliciously...
Crazy delicious and hearty mushroom lentil stew gravy over mashed potatoes! Entirely vegan, gluten-free, and grain-free. A delicious and easy-to-make 10-ingredient...
Treat your family to a cheesy Southwestern casserole dinner that features chicken, Progresso® beans, corn, Betty Crocker® muffin mix, Old El Paso® salsa...
Black-Eyed Peas and Sausage Stew uses canned black-eyed peas and smoked sausage to create the perfect winter stew recipe with all the classic flavors of...
Sliced provolone cheese is layered in the middle of the meatloaf for an ooey-gooey surprise with each bite. Progresso® Vegetable Classics French onion...
This thick and creamy mashup of white chicken chili and corn chowder is one of the quickest and most delicious ways to make dinner. The secret is one super...
No need to travel-you can experience a bit of Nashville's most famous food right at home. This sheet-pan dinner sized for two starts with boneless skinless...