This is from a restaurant in Stillwater, Oklahoma called Eskimo Joe's. I love trying chili recipes so I'm putting it here so I can find it. I plan on making...
Based on a delicious and savory recipe from Madge Rosenberg's wonderful cookbook, The Best Bread Machine Cookbook Ever - Ethnic Breads. She says, "Tapenade...
This slow cooker beef brisket is fall-apart tender, so juicy and flavorful. Slow Cooked beef brisket is easy and gets rave reviews every time! Perfect...
We love how the maple flavor pairs with the pork and thyme here, and its savory sweetness also helps the chops caramelize as they cook on the grill. This...
These chicken and mushroom katleti (Russian meat cakes) are so juicy and delicious. They're healthier than the average chicken patty since they are loaded...
Dreaming about fresh dishes in the spring season? If so, try this baked cod with garlic butter sauce! Cod is a mild and light white fish which makes it...
Had this recipe too at a graduation party and another Will you bring it to our party.. :) I put 6 hours as the time it takes because I let it sit in the...
This recipe is from the Mitchell Delicatessen, Nashville, Tennessee. This sandwich is only served on Mondays and is extremely popular. The giardiniera...
Impress your guests with this homemade Shrimp Cocktail Recipe. Learn how to make the best oven-baked shrimp and zesty cocktail sauce in just 15 minutes....
One morning, the weather man said it was going to be 4 degrees that night. So I knew I had to make soup and didn't want to go to the store. So I scrounged...
Spicy Guacamole is the ultimate party appetizer and it always disappears fast. We've dialed in the correct ratios of avocados to onions and lime juice...
Champlin's is one of the many Rhode Island seafood restaurants that serve this salad. If made correctly, this is very good. I love it! My Dad makes a great...
Are you tired of having too many dandelions in your yard? Here is a way you can put them to good use! This recipe is taken from a cookbook issued by employees...
The mint julep is, as Chris McMillian of the Library Lounge at the Ritz-Carlton hotel calls it, "the very dream of drinks, the vision of sweet quaffings."...
This turkey chili recipe is on the regular rotation at our house for years! It is hearty, meaty, and so easy! This chili can be made in 30 minutes on the...
They are served with my favorite avocado salsa and topped with a creamy sour cream and cilantro sauce. The sour cream sauce is the perfect sauce for these...
These ribs are perfection! First, they have NO bones, they are SO tender, and SO delicious! I change it up once and awhile with different colas, like Dr....
Now that Mom has difficulties standing for long periods of time, I have received her recipes for all the great stuff that we enjoyed growing up! This was...
No rice cooker, no problem- with this Vegetable Masala Curry with Basmati Rice, just use your microwave. This simple curry dish is packed with rich flavor...
I got this recipe from "Favorite Brand Name Slow Cooker Recipes". The original recipe called for 4oz canned sliced mushrooms instead of fresh, so you could...