This Banana Bread Recipe is loaded with ripe bananas, tangy-sweet raisins, and toasted walnuts. It is one of our favorite ripe banana recipes and even...
This cheesy sausage queso dip is creamy with sweet bites of corn and fresh tomatoes. This queso dip is loaded with REAL shredded cheddar and Rotel diced...
This is an excellent marinade from Martha Stewart. It is my go-to marinade for steaks. It sounded like a lot of garlic the first time I made it but I'm...
I love new baby red potatoes. They're simple to prepare and you don't need much to make them delicious. You don't even need to bother with peeling the...
This has almost no prep and so its very easy to put together in the crock pot before you leave for work. It will be a family favorite! This is also delicious...
This is a recipe for a hot beverage we enjoy on cold winter evenings. When curled up with a good book in front of a blazing fire, nothing tastes better...
This recipes has been submitted for play in ZWT9 - Cajun/Creole. The recipe is from cookbook: Cajun Cooking by Better Homes and Gardens. Ham and hot pepper...
This soup is wholesome comfort food. The sausages make easy fuss-free meatballs and they infuse the soup with great flavor. P.S. the parmesan - don't skip...
This recipe is from Prevention. I haven't tried it yet, but it sounds delicious and I wanted to save to recipe to make soon. Vegetarian soup, but could...
I knew I found a winner when I tasted these Strawberry Scones. This recipe makes 12 scones and each is perfect; billowy, soft, crumbly and studded with...
Everyone loves these Chicken Patties, even the pickiest eaters! They are crisp on the outside with a juicy, cheesy center and it's a genius way to use...
What's special about this asparagus recipe? I'm so glad you asked! Well (1) it's easy, (2) the oil is infused with garlic, (3) it has B-A-C-O-N!! Need...
This garlic bread tastes like something out of high-end Italian restaurant. It has an irresistible garlic butter spread and is topped with parmesan and...
A delicious recipe for the upcoming fall season. I like using chicken thighs rather than breasts in the crock pot as they stand up better to the longer...
I know a lot of french-type stews have sausage, lentils and barley. I couldn't find andouille so I made do with lower-fat turkey sausage. My best friend,...
This is a really easy recipe that I make all the time. I love pepperoni and cheese, but you can really do anything with it. The prep time includes the...
This spicy roasted salsa has a nice kick to it, but it's not the kind of heat where you're making a mad dash for milk. It's just right. It keeps really...
Buckwheat is a superfood that you may not know about. It's definitely under-appreciated and under-utilized in the US, but everyone should know how healthy...
These mini strawberry cheesecakes are easy to make (the simple ingredients will surprise you!) and they disappear fast. The texture of these is phenomenal!...
I'm not sure where I got this recipe from. I wanted to post it here for safe keeping. I will be making this for my Christmas baskets. The prep time is...
If you haven't tried leeks, they have the texture of artichoke when cooked and a hint of sweet onion flavor. They add color, a healthy boost, and fantastic...
This recipe makes a large amount, sufficient to serve 12-15. It is always well-received when I take it to covered dish meals at church. While it is not...