This White Chicken Chili is done in less than an hour start to finish in the Instant Pot with melt-in your mouth tender chicken. Stir everything together...
Bright in color and flavor: a fresh salad of shredded carrots, dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and Moroccan spices. A healthy side dish that goes with...
The wonderful Canadian potato salad! So tasty and ... so Canadian! For a great summer meal, serve this classic potato salad with grilled chicken breast...
This is a great change from normal Thanksgiving turkey. The outside skin isn't meant for eating. You need to use a combo of hard and softwood; e.g., hickory...
Do you love hot and spicy buffalo wings? Then these Buffalo Cauliflower Bites are going to be your next favorite dish! These burn your mouth a bit bites...
This Pineapple Cherry "Dump" Cake has just 5 ingredients and is probably one of the easiest desserts you'll ever make. I admit the name isn't all too appealing,...
This Homemade Philly Cheesesteak soup combines tender flank steak with onion, green pepper, mushrooms, provolone cheese and crunchy homemade croutons!!...
I thought why stick to only noodles so I gave the vermicelli recipe a twist from the regular onion-tomato version and created the Chinese version of vermicelli....
At parties and holidays, I love to serve a glorious platter of shrimp. However, I do get tired for the same old cocktail sauce. This is elegant and different,...