Easy homemade hummus with chipotle and spices. Creamy and slightly spicy. Serve with pita bread or pita chips. Garnish with herbs and a squeeze of lemon...
This is a pico de gallo recipe that will have everyone asking 'how did you make this?' They will be surprised when you tell them the ingredients include...
This cheese dip is AMAZING! I get compliments and requests for the recipe every time I make it. Use aluminum foil to cover bread bowl while baking if cheese...
This is a rich, delicious dip that can be served with tortilla chips or pieces of Hawaiian bread. It's an absolute hit at all parties. Here are a few suggested...
This roasted beetroot and garlic hummus checks all the boxes: healthy, easy, delicious, and so pretty! It's the perfect snack throughout the week or a...
Warm Blueberry Brie...we have this every year at our work's Christmas party. It is so tasty, it's addictive! You can also make this with raspberry sauce...
I was looking for something different to bring to a Super Bowl® party and a friend gave me this recipe. Now my family looks forward to this at every family...
This creamy dip is great for all things potato (fries and chips especially) and also makes a great steak dip. It's even good spread on a roast beef sandwich!...
Stupidly simple to make, and is excellent with whole rye bread or rye chips. The bread-to-dip ratio of the recipe as listed is about 1:1 for a whole round...
For flavorful warm jalapeno cheese dip, use pepper Jack. A little flour keeps the dip smooth, the evaporated milk makes it creamy, and the turmeric gives...
Serve this very easy and tasty bean dip with tortilla chips. Baked beans add a unique flavor to an otherwise traditional favorite. It's always the first...
This is a great fall recipe to use at any holiday party! It has a wonderful sweet pumpkin flavor with a smooth texture! I like to serve the dip in a small,...
Oh my gosh, is this good! Rich and savory with just a little bit of heat. Even if you've never been a Gouda fan, this will make a believer out of you....
I guarantee this will be the best pimento cheese you have ever tasted. You should cover it and refrigerate for a few hours to let it set up, but I usually...
This is a fresh and unusual salsa. Use it as an appetizer or on grilled meats. The fennel has a surprisingly light flavour. Perfect for summer. Serve with...
My little cousin, Eric, inspired me to come up with this dip. His favorite food is cheeseburgers, and since I couldn't make cheeseburgers for his family...
This is my Grandma Valma's recipe that I bring to any holiday/party/shower or gathering, and it is always gone well before anything else. I have friends...
My husband and I tried a ridiculous amount of guacamole over our decades together, but no recipe ever hit home for us. After much experimenting, I finally...
An antioxidant powerhouse that tastes incredible. The contrast between the sweet wild blueberries and tartness of the onions, peppers and tomatoes, makes...
This dip was a successful trial. I had extras of odd things and they tasted really good together! Rinsing the artichoke hearts removes most of the brine....
I created this recipe by taking my favorite feature from every spinach and/or artichoke dip I've tried. Everyone seems to love it. Serve with nacho chips,...
The roasted carrots bring sweetness and the ginger adds a little zing. This hummus has layers of warm, spicy flavors, it's economical, easy to make, and...
This recipe for curried spinach dip is very easy to make. If you like North Indian cuisine, you will really like this dish as it uses many of the classic...
My grandmother first made this recipe a few years ago. It quickly became a family favorite. The spread is best if allowed to chill overnight. Try it with...
With peppers aplenty coming in the garden right now, I was thinking of ways to use them and this idea hit me. I am amazed how this turned out! This dip...